
Meh, I find the Corvette nice to have.

Tokyo is hardly that.

The accountants put the cars together?

Nice to know you like busting unions. I’ll call up the Pinkertons!

Why the GM hate?

Glad to know you support the UAW-busting, polluting Volkswagen, Ballaban. Not surprising, given your main whip.

*que scene, Chris enters his cherried-out FRS

Yeah, tear up your landscape to sate China with your beautiful tar-sands, clear-cut forests, and strip mines. What a great idea!

Why do you have studded tires in the summer?

Billions do it everyday without all-wheel drive.

I’d like to see your scientific analysis verifying that.

Being middle-class is a pretentious offense now?

And if you spent that money on a bus ticket, that would be a lot of bus tickets!

Sorry that you carpetbaggers can’t run a transit system with a $29 billion operating budget. That’s some A-Team level of corruption going on.

Not nearly the same type of circumstance.


Sorry, people putting 50 lbs. of crap on their key chain doesn’t qualify as murder in the real world.

Fucking top-kek.

2nd gear: Whatever drugs you’re on, can I get that prescription?

The Pacific War, perhaps?