And the father of the Orlando killer gave his support to Hillary. Strange who we put our faith in these days.
And the father of the Orlando killer gave his support to Hillary. Strange who we put our faith in these days.
Except Brooks said the perpetrator had a rifle...
Do you comprehend what you just wrote? Because I hope you do. Maybe you’ll realize what a hypocrite you are.
$10 says you’ll do nothing, keyboard warrior.
The only one with security was the Majority Whip. No other Congressman has bodyguards within earshot in the D.C. Metro area.
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”- Evelyn Beatrice Hall, 1906.
Next time a Muslim commits a mass murder, I hope your attitude is as glee as it is now because of your logic. It applies same as when Muslims murdered those children and civilians in England.
It’s called Medicade. Look it up. It’s been around for decades.
So...because some children got shot, everyone should get shot? Strange logic, that is.
You’re a disgusting person. Nay, not a person, a decrepit pantomime of a human.
He was right. 15 years is in the near future.
Brown gravy on your chicken?! You done goofed, now!
Guess you missed the part where these two were sent to prison.
How has The Grand Tour not hired you yet?
The C-pillar window needs to be bigger on the 5GT. Similar in proportion to the larger C-pillar window on the 4GC or 3GT.
Needs less front-wheel-drive.
Needs *NSFW* warning.
Wow! Never realized that the 971 on-profile looks exactly like the Tesla Model S.
Find an Amazon-buddy and have a pizza night watching Season 1!