
You’re being dishonest. If it is “similarly clean” then do you have have a bunch of empty green tea bottles, ramen cups, and plastic bags littering the city every block?

And you wonder why yall keep murdering each other and blame whitey.

Not a word typed about him being a LGBT?

Sounds like two tea kettles whistling at each other.

Ha, that’s cute.

Nary a refute in sight.

Perhaps the airliner should not of flown into an area where ships had previously been attacked by Exocets?

Show us on the doll where McCain touched you.

It’s a company. They required neither sympathy, a pat on the back, or your shield. Bioware has produced some good/great RPGs in the past. Andromeda had a bigger budget and more time than any of the previous games, and what we got was sub-par to the first Mass Effect that came out in 2007.

Poor fan boy.

Where ever your place of work is: do you not receive criticism for turning out a significantly sub-par product after (receiving a pay-bonus and longer deadline) producing a good product?

Soft bigotry of low expectations.

Bad game is bad. Water is wet.

Out of curiosity, how much did the kneeling accomplish?

Tell that to the FD RX-7.



Yeah, everyone whom drove before 2006 just died as soon as they got on the road.

Any evidence that Bloody Sunday, or the Brighton Bombing was because of the mean ole’ US of A?