
*citation needed

That doesn’t make it okay, but...

That doesn’t make it okay, but...

*looks at calendar

Why are you illegal?

You are completely ignoring what I have been calling for out of...ignorance? Attention seeking? Trying to gain internet brownie-points?

Uh...this whole thread is about non-combative protest.

Fair enough. I never watched the show, however the products were great...except when all the poseurs then had to by their duck calls and be reinstone hunters.

If you think that white folks are immune from persecution/feelings/being short-handed, then I don’t know what is wrong with you.

What are you quoting, exactly?

You mis-categorize the Duck Dynasty people.

1. You’re reinforcing what I’m saying. A caveat though: having black people attacking (supposed) Trump supporters and scalping mentally disabled white people, and posting it on Facebook Live, is a new phenomenon. Not to mention, really hurts our side.

It’s their right to counter-protest.

Is a redneck ever considered someone other than white/cis/male?

I never claimed they were the majority. However, is it laziness or hypocrisy that the “racist” south has more diverse campuses than somewhere outside of LA/NYC?

Sure, however insulting an entire race/ethnicity can create undue anger that can be used for stuff that’s legitimate.

Sure, however insulting an entire race/ethnicity can create undue anger that can be used for stuff that’s legitimate.

“Never trust the white man.”

This is not new and not dominated by a single race. Blues and rock and roll have musical roots in country. Jazz was the perfect melding of Afro-Caribbean and European music and rhythm.

Obviously, you’ve never been to an SEC school.