Joe Benya

Let’s hope they skip “Thank God I’m a Country Boy” this one time.

I know a girl who lost her eye because her father snagged it with a hook while casting on a headboat.

As soon as I heard Drew had a podcast, I shoved sharpened pencils in both ears.

The chance of not getting laid during or after that wedding reception must be within a decimal point of zero.

As Keith sang about Mick (who stole his shoes)

At the end of the clip, the crew cut guy is thinking what everyone else is.

Weitzell was coach for a high school team prior to joining UNH. They'd better check what happened there with the minors.

If a baker doesn't want to bake a cake for a gay "marriage", the gay couple is free to find another baker.

So this movie is basically a theft of Dostoevsky's plot in Crime and Punishment?

I look forward to Dave McKenna's long read on this. It's gonna be good. Especially knowing Wylie and Snyder are holding the receipts for the shovels and lime.

"How about wonderful people, mostly white, that drink lots of beer and wine. Don't screw with Oregon"

fair enough - my father's crisis management firm will be issuing an apology on my behalf.

Which SAE chapter did you attend?

Or just plain blue.

David Gregory, formerly of Meet the Press, used to have escorts and porn stars showing up on his follow list last year. I pointed it out to him , and he stopped. You'd think he'd be more twitter-aware.

Good thing that deer he wasn't human. It wouldn't have ended well.

Cardale = off the hook

"You should also be prepared to eat some ass before getting it in. If you can't handle that, then you don't deserve to be there in the first place."