
I've always been surprised that most people don't notice this. the eyes and gloves are a dead give away.

So.... anime, literally means animation. For people outside Japan, is means Japanese style animation (since its a Japanese word), for people in Japan, it is any animation, its just their word for animation, and they can have a prefix to describe its origin/quality/source.

Disney anime, Ghibli anime, American anime, TV

Maybe I'm too simplistic but I've always considered anime to be any animated tv show or movie from Japan regardless of style.

Its Kate Beckinsale, I think its from the 3rd Underworld movie. I'd recognize dat ass anywhere!

Genre: Comedy, Education Premier Date: February 13, 2015 Where to Watch: No Western Simulcast Announced What It’s About in One Sentence: This anime uses the characters of a doctor, nurse and their patients to educate the viewer about various mental diseases (such as Depression, Adjustment Disorder, and Asperger

They're publishers. By definition they're out of touch with the industry they work with.

That's a really confusing article title.

I find myself jealous of some people's ability to imagine the future and illustrate it.

Onii-chan intensifies.

"A delayed game is eventually good. A bad game is bad forever."

Likely in development since Skyward Sword so that makes 4 years. That should do it.

This one beautifully captures the feeling of loss, despair, and frustration at losing a contact lens in a field of weeds.

I can't take my eyes off of his Thriller Glare.

Yeah, I wish i was quick enough on my feet to write that instead. It would've been funnier that way.

How To Make A Character That Doesn't Suck

Everyone is the target Richard. EVERYONE. LOL!