
1 thing about Hiyori's personality: she doesn't tempt Yukine- she treats him like a brother, but HE just thinks about HER that way. Not exactly her fault that she's got nice breasts...

One of the biggest reasons I am not too interested in most JRPGs (especially Final Fantasy) is because I'm not a fan of menu-based combat, and also because they tend to be quite linear. Most of the time the actual worlds are imo more interesting than a WRPG like Skyrim (because I'm not really a fan of medieval,

Idk if this is really the way that games are developed, but it's a theory (a GAME Theory!), but I think game development- at least for Ubisoft, and maybe EA, goes like this: the developers start working on a game, and it looks really good and plays really good- even on the PS4 and Xbox One. And that's when we get the

I think Edge of Tomorrow was good...but definitely not underrated.

Now playing

I love the Attack on Titan show, but this game looks pretty boring. I think the fan-made AoT game on PC is more like the show.

To be honest, I'm glad they showed actual gameplay of this game- FINALLY! I mean we already got a trailer at E3. And we got so many cinematic gameplay-less trailers at the Game Awards- even Witcher, which I had been dying to see more of, that I thought this was the best thing they could have done!

I think if you set a marker on the map before or when you are on Epona, and you don't move her, she automatically goes in that general direction. You can still control her, but if you want, you can leave her to controlling herself while you do other stuff (fight monsters, eat apples, check your instagram, whatever)

Now playing

Bioshock Infinite: After the mind blowing ending, it starts off with Elizabeth's theme, which sounds both sad and a bit horrifying, which is similar to the way you feel. And the rest of the soundtrack goes from happy and cheery music like "God Only Knows" to creepy Bioshock 1-esque music, back to cheery like

Screw any person who was part of creating...THIS.

Ahh, it's the thought that counts.

I've only had 2 shinies in my life (I don't like getting them through hax- ruins the HOLY FUCK SHIT YES!!! factor, and I don't count Mystery Gift shinies either)- A red gyarados (I guess same as everyone) and a Gigalith from black and white

And Fox News O.O

This is classic, right here.

The only slightly cool thing about this is the name, 'BiOShock'...

Why does Zelda have to be the last one on the list?! I want it now!!!

This. Is. Awesome.


I think X is supposed to be more like a spiritual successor- not that many direct story connections to the first, but just kind of easter eggs for people who did play the original. Buy anyway, if you really want to play it, and you have a 3DS (or intend to get one soon), it is coming to that.

I think that is probably how it's gonna be- I mean, why the hell would they choose Riki and Dunban as the only characters instead of Reyn and Fiora? It would be like having Snape and Professor Mcgonagall on the front cover of a Harry Potter beside Harry instead of Ron and Hermione.

Well, gamers imo need to be a bit more...cultured. I mean, in the sense that movie goers have their Transformers and all that crap but then they also have their Saving Private Ryans and Les Mes. So games like CoD are like the Transformers of gaming, this could be the videogame equivalent for an Oscar nominee like