
Well, there goes my self esteem.

It was one shit game, okay? Nintendo is planning 2 upcoming Metroid games and I can bet almost anything that she'll be back to her badass self. And even in this game, she's sexy, but badass as well.

The original game was much better. Why couldn't they just make a new IP, rather than making a bidding game and slapping the Chess name on it? This one is getting way overhyped.

That makes no sense. What's the point of having a death sentence for doing an illegal drug, if the reason for makind it illegal is because it'll kill you?

She's still a strong character- if you take Other M out of the equation. She's just sexy as well.

Well, most people already have another platform to play multiplats on. And if you make shit ports to the Wii U, and don't advertise that version, and release it a billion years later when the other versions' price has already dropped, no shit people don't buy it on the Wii U!

He did do ads for them...

1) If they want to add something, yes it's up to them, but it's not doing anything wrong to give them the idea.

Personally, playing Minecraft on anything but PC feels...wrong to me. But if there was one console that it could be okay for, I think it'd be the Wii U.

As a HUGE fan of the Last Airbender series, I've found the Korra series as a bit of a letdown. I liked season one okay (which is a major leap down from almost perfection that the original series had). And the second season, did somethings better than the first, but some much worse.

-I'd like a new first person Metroid game, like the Prime series, but I didn't have any of the other ones, so if they did have any continuity, I'd like it to be a separate series (or just do an HD remake of the Trilogy, w/ online multiplayer). And maybe a 2D Metroid for the 3DS. Also, if you do make a new Metroid,

Now all they need to do is announce an Xbox One-less Xbox One. XD