
2005 has tided me over since and will continue to tide me over until 2035. The trick is to watch the dvd as much as possible.

None of this is reasonable, corporation worshiper. You people are the Hitler Youth of worshiping corporations.

not to mention, Kamala Harris chose NOT to prosecute Steve Mnuchin. figure that one out.

I don’t think anyone on the Splinter staff will tell you to vote for Biden, but I’ve sure as shit heard it from commenters.

Or... we stop conceding bullshit premises like ageism that magically do not apply to centrists his same age?

Ageist bullshit is neither “perfect” nor “true”.

>Alternately, Bernie himself could run for president. What would this accomplish?

I hope the 4 members of the Tennessee Board who voted to keep her locked fucking burn in hell. I’m tired of this racist ass country. 

Y’all idiots are hilarious.

Also, to the dumbass trolls telling me to leave the country if I don’t like it... I already left America 😂😂😂

.This is what happens when you vote in conservatives who in turn appoint conservatives endlessly. They end up saying fuck the spirit of the law, fuck your circumstances, fuck you.

There are an awful lot of gentlemen in these comments arguing the semantics of paying someone so you can stick your dick into a child.

“She tricked that good Christian man with her sinful feminine wiles!”

So you find it ok to rape a child? Because in any state in this country, a child can’t consent to have sex with an adult. Second have you even read her background?? I take it that you haven’t. So maybe before you come here and show your whole ass, read the entire background of the case. 

What did we expect from a state that has sells a confederate flag license plate?

This is crazy. What kind of lawyer did she have? What was the jury thinking? What type of judge.......why am I asking stupid questions? Not like people give a damn anyway. She is someone’s daughter but as long as she is not your’s, everything is fine.  Carry on...

Yeah, I’m sure he was “an upstanding member of the community and a good ‘Christian’ that loved others”.

Poor Cytonia. This girl has been through enough. Let her the fuck out. She did the right thing. My heart continues to break for her. 

Sexual predator/child sex slave apologist #1.