
You are an immoral asshole.

Your facts don’t fit with their superiority complex

SWEET drive by troal, brah. Bonus points for typing the dumbest shit I’ve read all day.

I think they’re just an idiot.

Says they guy commenting on internet articles in the middle of a work day.

If people put as much time into understanding complicated issues as they do complaining about “the welshers” maybe they wouldn’t have to spend their lives being told to pull their heads out of their asses

Americans are in about the top 10% for work hours internationally, from 2015 to 2017 (the consistent leader is Mexico). U.S. worker productivity has increased 77% since the early 70s, at around 6 times the rate that pay has increased. So, in roughly one person’s working life, we’ve darn near doubled productivity, and

You done drunk the damn koolaid ya fucking shit witted twit.

You seem very reasonable, tell me more about your plans for the country. 

Pull your head out of your ass.

This is a pretty important idea. I don’t think the bill goes anywhere but it’s something a ton of people don’t understand. Companies are being subsidized and laughing all the way to the bank. Republicans respond that the social safety net is the problem and then keep up a narrative that the poor job creators have such

Now playing

Wonderland is my favorite from this new album

no doubt on Tool, but can you really listen to Toxicity without cringing just a little at some of the lyrics

Far Cry just needs to always have a FC2 mode. Fire spread increased, gun jamming, more dynamic AI, looking at the map doesn’t pause the game.

Occam’s razor does a nice job of cutting to the chase in most situations.

The sudden death of a double agent (especially with his daughter) would have necessarily triggered an autopsy.

That poor gamecube did nothing wrong!

And you cut it in half!

For something achievable with stickers!

This is NOT okay