How many European big-ass nuclear robot SUV’s are driving on Mars again?
How many European big-ass nuclear robot SUV’s are driving on Mars again?
Silly Indian doesn’t get jokes
A private US company. Just like the private US companies that built the shuttle, the atlas V, and every other rocket we’ve sent into space.
Bitch please.
No shit, Thanks Mr. Joke Killer, I’m actually an escaped Cephalopod pressing keys at random and I can’t read the articles, so I need this explained at me
Thanks Mr. Joke Killer, I’m actually an escaped Cephalopod pressing keys at random and I can’t read the articles, so I need this explained at me. While I appreciate condescending dipshits assuming my nationality I’m actually not american. Not that america is a country, but a whole continent.
you deserve this
Thanks Mr. Joke Killer, I’m actually a clever velociraptor learning to press keys and I can’t read the articles, so I need this explained at me
Thanks Mr. Joke Killer, I’m actually an escaped Cephalopod pressing keys at random and I can’t read the articles, so I need this explained at me
Thanks Mr. Joke Killer, I’m actually an escaped gastropod pressing keys at random and I can’t read the articles, so I need this explained at me
Thanks Mr. Joke Killer, I’m actually a cat pressing keys at random so I can’t read the articles, so I need this explained at me
Thanks Mr. Joke Killer, I’m actually a cat pressing keys at random so I can’t read the articles, so I need this explained at me
Thanks Mr. Joke Killer, I’m actually a cat pressing keys at random so I can’t read the articles, so I need this explained at me
Thanks Joke Killer, Im actually a cock pecking at the keyboard and can’t actually read
Came for this, wasn’t disappointed. +1.
Well of course the meek humans shall inherit the Earth while our Ant Overlords conquer the universe.
India is still behind Mexico.
The rocket launch was just for this test. It’s part of an overall program to develop a single-stage-to-orbit vehicle that takes off like an airplane from a runway.
Reentry image: