
You're a horrible horrible person for that and boy do I wish I thought of it first.

Still better than anything the Fun Lovin Criminals put out.

This is horsecrap and AMC knows it. They do not have a copyright interest in the words, "Negan killed Rick at the end of the last episode." But, if they threaten with an official letter, webmasters will take it down since they don't want to risk legal action. None of this matters after October, so AMC is gambling

I am an attorney and you basically got it.

I believe their claim was trade secrets, not copyright.

I'm with you, but I do think they serve a purpose. There's a lot of parallels going on in this show, and I think the eczema scenes dramatize how Stone is just as much at the mercy of professionals as Nas is.

I love this band, but the screechy vocals thing doesn't work for me a lot of the time. Which sucks cause Puciato actually has a great range and vocal ability.

"What's in the box?"
"The biggest dick ever."
"You don't understand…it came off a white man."
"To the national archives!!!"

Are you sure about the four? Won't that go right back to enjoying it?

I know, isn't it great?

I unironically love Dad Punk.

That's a great metaphor. Also, I really dig all the POV shots. It brings us so much further into that world. And it's chilling.

It seems this panel was mostly okay. Mostly.

Sure. Unless they get…TAME.


Keep working son. You'll make it.

If you're a legit producer in Hollywood, they find you.

I really like the Leo Getz character.

The Night King just needs a hug.

Since they're in Pittsburgh, the correct term is Yinzers.