
It's like you can see into my soul or something!

I tried. But when I talked to them, they kneed me in the nuts in front of all my friends. :(

Ugh. I have no idea how you're handling that. Good luck. Sincerely.

I'm renovating my kitchen. This movie is no longer amusing.

Ice Pirates are space pirates, brohaim.

Ice Pirates would be better.

One of my favorite books. The Butthole Surfers chapter is laugh out loud funny. Sort of like their collaboration with Kid Rock years ago, but for different reasons.

I was hoping for "You're a Grand Ole Flag."


That's how my balls see it.

Is that supposed to be better? Those cats hang out with BOB fer chrissakes…

"Predators and aliens (or the Yautja and xenomorphs, if you’re a nerd)

Hurray. Cultural mash ups.

Yeah, that scene scared the crap out of me.

Step 1: Don't.

I didn't think Sinister 2 was that bad.

Halloween sounds like an LCD Soundsystem song.

It wouldn't sound out of place on the St. Elmo's Fire soundtrack.

And all of it bad, apparently.

Throw in a good word for your own immortal soul…and your taste in music. Perhaps with the help of the Almighty, you can move away from boring Mall Punk. Hell, even Pennywise would be a step up from Bad Religion.