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Between this and the Charlottesville rally, Christopher Cantwell is really making waves.

Herring was just a red communism.

Which character rights does Universal Studios still have, or are those about to expire?

Damn, how did I not know that Andrew Lesnie died in 2015?

Likewise, I wish they could have found an actual one-eyed person to play Nick Fury.

While living in Japan, I ordered chicken katsu at a restaurant and apparently mumbled the words ("chin kasu" instead of "chikin katsu"). My friend (who spoke better Japanese than I) started laughing, because I had asked for "dick-cheese." The lesson: proper elocution is important in any language.

I remember watching it then! Anjelica Huston was fantastic.

There are six panels, not two. Come on, Colburn!

Related question: do I wish that Alec Baldwin, as one of the louder voices of liberal causes, picked better roles? Yes.

Will our president-elect tweet gleefully about the inevitably terrible reviews? Signs point to yes.

Stormtroopers shoot and miss. Most of the Westworld guards never even got near the trigger.

How am I the first upvote for this?

Ah, the USS Alabama, home to many a Cub Scout overnight trip. I admire that they didn't even bother removing the ornamental tampions from the guns, or try to hide the glamorous Port of Mobile in the background.

Amara Karan was born in 1984, so she would have been 10 years old during the Simpson trial. It's like Chandra knows the phrase from pop culture references but not the context of something literally fitting.

Put it this way: Theon, Varys and the Unsullied were originally going to have very different backstories.

No Stoneheart, no CleganeBowl, no Mountain vs. Tommen, no Fight Club Arya (or even Faceless Man Arya). This episode killed all the fun theories and didn't replace them with anything especially compelling. It was the Red Wedding of theories.

Eh, there are plenty of other daily comedy shows that are available on ad-supported platforms, so it's not really worth the effort to hear a tenth variation on the same Trump joke.

Plus, CBS's website has terrible UX design. When you click a mobile Facebook link to watch a clip, the responsive layout shows a bunch of images under "Full Episodes" with no headline or any other sign of the clip you wanted to watch. If you wait long enough the clip will start to play, but the first several times I