
85% of all the world's Muslim population would have been allowed to enter U.S. with EO in place. So, it is not a Muslim ban. If he wanted to ban all Muslims, he wouldn't have singled out 7 countries with only 15% of world's Muslim population.

"Putin stooge…"

"someone sensible like Yellen…"

"both addressed and refuted…"

"none of the things you mentioned vary on is genetic…"

"males have more genetic variance not something that has been studied…"

I think Maher means well, but he is economically illiterate, and he is a bit of dilettante, not to mention he is arrogant and condescending. Other than that….

"want best for citizenry…"

"yelling top of lungs…"

The ringmaster of the D.C. circus is Janet Yellen and her crackpot cohorts at Fed. Nothing more insane than printing press finance. It's never ended well in any country. We will be no exception.

I saw a recent segment of Morning Joe in which Scarborough lambasted Republicans for not seriously pursuing spending cuts. He made the point that when interest rates rise we are effed. I think he has a pretty good grasp of what is going on.

They have a long way to go to challenge the callouses on your lips from kissing Obama behind for 8-years :)

Last weeks Real Time show was pathetic. Piers Morgan makes a factually correct statement about EO not being a Muslim ban given that 85% of Muslims would be allowed into country.

"didn't make actual arguments…"

I make actual arguments. That's better than what you are doing.

"Right-wing bigots…"

Do you want more sources? Do you deny that gender feminism differs from equity feminism or liberal feminism?

Not sure how that is a response to my comment. Your comment is dumb.

"Making up nonsense terms…"

Only 23% of millennial women identify as gender feminism. Notice the difference between classical feminism and gender feminism. Crazed, anti-science radicals who are rebelling against biology took over the latter type of feminism. I can type slower if this is too much for your "left-wing idiot" mind to digest.