Joe Paulson

By chance, Julia Louis-Dreyfuss was 22 in 1983. It suggests the alternative Veep universe is around the same time as now.

Selina's Finnish BFF is quite busy on the "international busybody circuit."

I did not know carrot was so basic to soup flavoring dynamics.

It didn't reach of the heights of some past episodes, but this was the best of the season so far, though do wish they give Amy a bit more to do. Perhaps, Buddy ending his campaign will be an opening for her to get away from him & actually shine herself. She seems dead early on and knows it.

If so, I missed it. Did look & see more than one recap online where that is not referenced. If she said that, that's fine. Just said "might."

Isn't herpes something you can't get rid of?

There were moments but this season hasn't gotten into a groove yet.

think we will see President Montez at some point & might see Sue then

"Just because I look like a penis, I don't deserve that!"

It is good to remind that the show was mostly taped before the election, so we can't get fully up to date references, though like the "pee pee tape," some might be unintentionally there. I also think the first episode is more a matter of getting into gear again. See where everyone is. etc.

I enjoy that this review spent this much time on the 4th installment of Sharknado. I say this without being sarcastic. Bad bad movies deserve reviews too!

yes, Jonah is clearly a douche himself, but he's so put upon, so low status generally, that you have to feel sorry for the guy and want him to have his day.

if you read the amendment's text, the partial term rule applies to those filling in for an elected President's term. Here, no President was elected, so the understanding is that it didn't count.

they had multiple seasons now of her as President — worked pretty well. I think it's too soon to presuppose they can't handle the next step, which (who thought James WOULDN'T win either?) very well might have a surprise or two.

We did see her in the office handing papers to Montez anyways, so can see it as an inside joke for those wondering "where is Sue" all season given her limited presence.

If he is right, I wonder if they could really in effect put the toothpaste back in the tube. At least for Vice President.

I admit to being too quick to question the chance of the acting (sic) President having the possibility of winning the presidency twice and therefore being in place for 12 years given a loophole in the 22th Amendment.

Yes, she's O'Brien's running mate.

Is this Mike? :)