Joe Oyas

The people who complain about this episode are the same people who think Godzilla is better than Pacific Rim because, oh…the human element.

That uncomfortable moment when you really hate other book readers, while being a book reader. My god…are we really that obnoxious? Ugh, the bullshit complaints.

This review was the fucking Oberyn-head-exploding of game of thrones reviews. It was FUCKING BULLSHIT!

Your review is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT! It has to do with your bullshit book reader expectations (I say this as someone who read the books) of pacing and nit picking from a season balancing material from 3 different books.

But the way he dodged and parried those blows…like he has eyes in the back of his head.

B+ Are you kidding me? The court room scene was amazing! The hell is wrong with you? Answer. Everything, and I hate you.