OMFG, you want some cheese with your whine? What the hell is so wrong with the Geek Dad Wired cover? I will be forever grateful that I had a geek dad who encouraged endless tinkering. IMHO, that's far more useful that playing sports.
OMFG, you want some cheese with your whine? What the hell is so wrong with the Geek Dad Wired cover? I will be forever grateful that I had a geek dad who encouraged endless tinkering. IMHO, that's far more useful that playing sports.
Well said. If humans screwed it up, what makes anyone believe that humans can fix it or that the cure is worse than the disease (bleaching the autism out of people springs to mind).
Meh. There's not enough close stuff to scare the bejesus out of you. Now I'm waiting for someone to develop a tandem wingsuit.
*facepalm*. You're clearly not paying attention. Put down the joint and read. The woman was stoned. The kid walked out of the house in a t-shirt and a diaper. 36 hours later he was dead. Had she been sober and taking care of the kid, this would never have happened.
The tragic thing is that so many people think smoking pot is A) no big deal and B) affects nobody but themselves. I can tell you from personal experience that this is not the case when over a hundred people including myself spent 36 hours searching for a 2-year old who wandered away from his home when his mother was…
Show me one person, just one, who thinks it's his/her problem and is willing to give up their house and move into a dormitory, give up their money, and kill off members of their family. Of course, I can show you thousands of people who think it's somebody else's fault and problem and should be forced to deal with it.
I know a guy who runs a brew pub in Seattle that's in an old mortuary building. Apparently Bruce Lee was there for a bit. It's called "The Pine Box". []
That's probably because he's getting laid on a regular basis by hot women. Means to an end.
The only way to make that better is to use the back of someone else's shirt.
And yet it would be so easy to fake these in CG.
IMHO, the people who decide that they are some sort of messiah are those who have and realize that they have enough charisma that causes lots of people to ignore facts and common sense and say "Oh, yeah, you're absolutely right. What can I do for you? Anything. Name it." Buffoons such as Hugo Chavez, Kim Jon…
Now THIS is pod racing!
What's wrong with all of this is that it assumes you have an internet connection and are willing to part with the bandwidth or pay more for what you'd need to make this useful.
Isn't the castle of the devil upside-down?
Actually, I have advanced degrees in science and engineering. But let me clarify and expand. Prediction without testing the theory is not science. You'd have better luck with horoscopes. Horoscopes make a prediction and a vague one at that such that one of two things happens, A) you forget about it or B) whatever…
Meh. I'll bet it tastes like giant radioactive chicken.
Wait, the climate changed without the burning of fossil fuels? *gasp* LALALALALALACAN'THEARYOULALALALALA
Oh dear god, please no more friggin' pretty boys. Barf. Unless the script clearly portrays them as the eternal douchebags that they are in real life.
But it doesn't have fricken' sharks with fricken' laser beams on top of their heads.