
If you thin Saverin is being a greedy bastard, then he's no different than Upchuck Schumer demanding $100 million that he hasn't earned to pay for things at least half the country doesn't want. Nothing worse than a whiney sonofabitch senator who got awards for participation all his life. The more you tighten your

Even the Griffin Survivor case has issues with third-party dock connectors. The Oscium spectrum analyzer doesn't fit. Fortunately, extension cables do the trick.

...Oh, wait, that is effing stupid.

What I take away from this goes a step further. Even after getting burned by bad boys, they still go after more bad boys. So they haven't learned their lesson thus disproving their claim that they are smarter than men. *ducks* Einstein would say they are insane. *ducks again*

Well, jeez, it wants me to install a plugin? I call virus.

Aw, come on. I've seen this stuff on a TV infomercial. They wax a car with it and light it on FIRE!!!

For me, the real question is what does wireless data cost versus wired data? Your cable/DSL/FIOS internet is all-you-can-eat (for the moment). So what makes wireless data so expensive that it needs to be metered?

I've been saying it for years. The more do-gooders try to "fix" things, the worse the screw them up. Oh, sugar is baaaad for you. Yeah, saccharine and HFCS are worse. Ooooo, saturated fat is bad for you!! Yeah, transfat is worse. Oooo, incandescent light bulbs are baaaaaad, here's a CFL with some mercury in it

I'd rather spend all the money wasted on Solyndra and its ilk on a Moon mining operation.

BTW, when you dial 911, nobody is legally required to show up.

"Dude! I just lit the fuse on the worlds biggest firecracker! RUN!!!!"

Correlation is not causation. I know plenty of skinny bitches with really stupid kids.

There's a decent article on slashdot about the LED droop effect. I hear some people have that problem too.

It's dimpled for her pleasure.

Fear the name only increases fear of the thing itself.

The solution is simple. Keep your work life and your personal life separate. What? Oh, you're demanding my FB password as a condition of employment? GFY!

But you can no longer legally hunt oryx.

I dunno. I think slow-paced sci-fi movies are a thing of the past. 2001 was cool. Silent Running was cool. Solaris bored the hell out of me.

*GASP* Hollywood only wants ONE of something? Hell hath frozen over.

*Yawn* Wake me when Fox News racks up a number of false stories equal to any other network.