
Considering that the Feds have been getting away with convicting people without mens rea a lot lately, they'd probably get away with this.

"Wiped clean by the wrath of God."

If you've ever slept on a futon while visiting friends who have a f*cking cat, you'll soon discover that cats are NOT conducive to a good night's sleep. The bastards crawl under the futon and claw at the mattress. Then they find a little bit of crumpled paper and practice pouncing. Then they find your bare feet.

If it's made with banned Indian rosewood, I'll take two.

Tastes like chicken. After watching the folks on Flying Wild Alaska talk about, make, and eat something called "stink flipper" (among other thing), bleah bleah bleah!!!

So, if they die of "natural causes", THEN can we make fur apparel out of them?

Why does this remind me of Monster Cables?

I read that they donated the money to the USO which, if true, is a good thing.

Old news. These have been around for years and can be found in the childproofing section of your local home improvement store.

Dude, did people NOT see "Hostel"? Who in their right mind would take a chance like this?

But all of these regulatory agencies continue to grow at an exponential rate without a corresponding improvement in performance. Now, these agencies are unilaterally making "laws" without going through Congress. The EPA is the most notorious example as of late declaring CO2 which every human expels as a pollutant.

*sigh* Let me ' is too much... Let me sum up.

Here's my own "law": Anything that can be used can be abused. Sure, OSHA was created in 1970 to "ensure worker safety". That's fine if it ends there. But it never does. Why? Because there's money to be made on the misfortunes of others. Let's say a general contractor unintentionally violates some OSHA

Couldn't build this in the US because of OSHA and the vast army of ambulance-chasing lawyers just waiting to sue anyone and everyone if something goes wrong. Shakespeare was right. sounds more like Ms. Curtis being all full of herself in true Hollywood fashion. Probably trying to make up for the fact that Kirstie Alley was a MUCH hotter Vulcan. Rawrrr.

Stupid is as stupid does appears to fit nicely. I suppose it's a bread & circuses thing. Give the neanderthal masses gladiator matches and they'll be less likely to revolt.

Given the obscene penchant for throwing gobs of money at athletics, this wouldn't surprise me a bit.

You guys all have your standards set too low. Envision, if you will, all the super hotties from ST:TOS e.g. Andrea. And then, of course, there's Seven of Nine.

But the real question is how to counteract the "douchebag effect" when attempting to score with women who seem to be drawn to them like mosquitoes to a bug-zapper lamp.

Now how about if they have women who in one universe would be known as "companions"? I would pay good money for that action.