
It's like wanting a 213 or 212 area code phone number.

Cops are bagging Tasers more and more because they are unpredictable. The cartridges aren't calibrated so you may have a light one that only pisses off the perp or heavy one that induces heart failure.

I'm surprised that the article didn't mention BCG treatment for bladder cancer. My dad is currently cancer-free (knock on wood). [] Dr. Lamm is excellent.

I saw a big tank truck on I-10 heading for SoCal labelled "Sea Water" and a slogan that said something like "Conserve fresh water. Use all-natural sea water instead." Talk about snake oil. Jeez.

Two words: TORT REFORM!!!

Yeah, I saw the crew direction signs on the highway that said "Barsoom". Now, about what you were saying about flying airplanes and blowing stuff up?

So the salt-sucking creature from ST:TOS must be a major addict. Certainly looks like one.

Okay, seriously, that picture and the associated scene makes me cringe. "Keep your wrist loose"?!?!?! WTF?! That's total B.S. How the hell does she expect to be able to get back on the sights for a second shot?! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No Hollywood writer should be allow to write stuff without knowing SOMETHING about

Oh, oh, oh. We want to learn how to defend ourselves against pointed sticks, do we? Getting all high and mighty, eh?

I knew someone who wanted to irritate their boss who had just bought a new Lexxus when they first came out. They had a little bottle of dirty motor oil with one or two small screws and bolts in it and poured it under the car. They would do that right after the guy had taken it to the dealer and argued with them

I think this was/is being filmed somewhere in southern Utah. Last summer I was driving from Page to Kanab and saw those telltale film location direction signs on the road with the word Barsoom on them near Big Water.

Arg...why hasn't anyone gotten CGI mouths right yet? IMHO, that's the thing that kills the illusion.

I'd be happy to take the Zeiss projector off their hands. IIRC, the control panels are really cool.

Dear 2076,

Alas, I still have one or two PPC apps that I run from time to time. Although I must say that I haven't launched an OS 9 app in a long time.

Question: How much did they pay for the island to begin with?

Well said, sir.

First sentence = well said.

I think you missed nonovurbizniz's point. Gizmodo is supposed to be a blog about informing people about cool technology. This story isn't showing a new weapon system or defense technology. IMHO, it's nothing more than an opinion piece in the same vein as a piece by Jesus Diaz a while ago. Every once in a while,