
You're thor? I'm tho thor I can hardly pith. *rimshot*

Well, yes, but only if it's a clean shot. It's been well documented that an off-center round can enter the skin and scoot around the skull and exit the other side. It's also well documented that the bill of a baseball cap can absorb a round when hit on the edge. Bottom line is that there is a roughly credit-card

Technically, it's a Dillon Aero which is based on the original GE Minigun. It sounds as badass as it looks.

It's amazing how much infrastructure and capital equipment are needed to make simple stuff.

And then there's the always useful: I've heard that about you.

Isn't this the site for Disney Shanghai?

Theory put into practice rarely comes out the way you envisioned it. Look at the history of housing projects in this country. Sure, it made some people feel noble and moral but eventually the places became total sh*tholes that nobody wanted to live in and eventually they demolished a lot of them. So in a way the

Via con Dios!!!

So, will geeky guys now be referring to their member as Voldemort?

I can see the benefit for much the same reason why you wouldn't want to kill a terrorist without first finding out who his handlers are and how the network functions. So tracking dust would probably leave traces that you could follow to a larger group or places like safe houses.

Here are some excellent examples:

The same way you invent an economy based on one of the most abundant elements on the planet aka carbon: with an imagination and people willing to buy it. Sorry, couldn't resist a little flame bait.

One of my favorite books of all time. Kinda like to see a live-action film version.

And their all pretty boys. BOOORRRING!!!!

Given that we're all in desperate need of the uber electrical energy storage solution to run all our gadgets and now our cars (okay, your car, I'll still be using my gas powered vehicle so I don't get stuck and eaten by a T-Rex), IMHO, this puppy should be dissected to find out what it's made of so we can mass-produce

Supposedly our lovely administration has mandated three-shot-burst-only carbines be used by our military. Not quite sure how I feel about that since "spray and pray" rarely works well and our boys should be trained properly such that can do the job with three-shot burst.

Blah blah blah...something about Syfy and....SUMMER GLAU PUCKERING UP!!! *sigh* I'll be in my bunk.

Didn't he co-write that one? Maybe that's why.

Wrong. Hermain Cain, CEO of Godfather's Pizza is not white.

If you're shopping for yourself, I would agree. Between Costco and Wal-mart, they're way cheaper than any regular supermarket when shopping for several people.