
There's a parable about a guy stuck in a tree during a raging flood who waves off a rescue helicopter three times until eventually he drowns and when he gets up to heaven God says "Dude, I sent a helicopter three times!"

Ah, but you can sell energy to buy food especially these days. Not much natural agriculture in Saudi Arabia. They realized that independence was key to their survival. They sold massive amounts of energy in the 70s and 80s to build massive agricultural infrastructure. They wouldn't have been able to do this

Here's how I see it: If you've read the book and found yourself agreeing with the concepts, you will like this movie. If you think the book is total crap, no dream-team of writers, directors, actors and a $300 million budget will make you like the movie.

All I can say is that recently I was in Scottsdale at the Apple store and it was packed. Later the same day I was in the Microsoft store and it was deserted.

I wouldn't use 60% alcohol but is 90% ok or does it have lens-ruining crap in it too?

Hmmm...maybe there's a way to manufacture an anti-pheromone that you could spray on douchebags at dance clubs. Potential money maker. Then again, you could fake this sort of thing and make a ton of money too. Of course, geeks and nerds would know or figure out that it's fake and wouldn't buy it so it would have to

Maybe the cube is square grouper...duuuuuuude.

They must be cunning linguists...*rim shot* Oh, wait, that's dirty-sounding too. JET FUEL! Let's see if it blends. It's hilarious to watch people get into a flame war like groups of pygmies standing on their respective piles of dirt yelling and shaking spears at each other.

So if you wanted to frame one of the standard suspects you could plant this information on your mark's computer. Clearly the guy didn't have an alibi for the time of the murder.

Loppers are excellent but I wish they made one on a 20-foot pole.

The false assumption is that Windows-anything is great. IMHO, attempting to use Windows for anything other than desktops is like shoving a rhinoceros in a Volkswagon and hoping it knows how to drive. Note that Apple didn't make a phone that ran OS X. They took the radical approach of building an OS from the ground

First, in a non-capitalist society where the government is building these cities, they don't have to make a profit or break even. Moreover, given the several trillion dollars that the US owes China, the interest payments alone are funding all of this. It can be argued that China needs the US as much as we need them.

Your tax dollars at work.

Four Words: "Star Trek: Dyson Sphere"

Why would you think that throwing money at the problem could solve it? Sorry, but you don't need to hire a contractor to pull weeds. You don't need to pay anyone to not trash your own place. The housing projects filmed in Koyaanisqatsi (aka Koyaanisartsyfartsy) were demolished not long after they were built. If

If my math is right and the government shuts down for about 12 days, they'd have saved that $100 billion. Maybe shutting down the government one or two days every month is a good approach.

Conclusion: Nobody wants to live in a sh*thole yet some people aren't willing to put the effort into maintaining their living spaces. That stems from the delusion that it's somebody else's problem/job.

It boils down to simple economics. If it ain't cheaper than what you're paying now, nobody is going to voluntarily pay more for the same energy.

Figures Mother Jones would find something like this suspicious but Obama getting an award for transparency in secret, close-door meeting is fine and dandy. And don't get me started on that whole birth certificate thing.