
Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

I don’t think you’re grasping the point of the rule - it’s actually to protect the defense. You’ve seen how long it can take for a player to get out of the stands or the dugout after making a catch - often, enough would-be time for the runners to advance more than one base after tagging up (especially if the player

Mostly missing. We call him "Murray the Stump"

So on Christmas Eve, I slipped a raw potato from the fridge into his stocking...

I slipped a raw potato from the fridge into his stocking

They can find his dad?

Swimmers Upset Swimmer Won’t Piss, In Pool

Iiiiiiiin south Philadelphia with my mom
Up the first-base line was where I had my glove on
Chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ in my seat
And a foul ball comes shootin’ outside of my reach
When the only other kid who gave the slightest shit
Started out first and beat me to it
He got one little hug when he handed me the ball

Dear Penthouse,


Some might say GM and Ford have always been rivals.

Bledsoe caught the ball, he should not have been removed from the game.

He’s 3/5ths the outfielder that Brett Gardner is!

I really want to know why Barstool is so awful/evil

I dunno, I can’t reach it, I might enjoy it. Who can say?

Thanks Obama