A tortoise named Hubert

"And raise another question: would drunk people be allowed to use a self-driving car? Its safer than to let them drive, but they're not in any state to take responsibility for anything. Should they be forced to walk home? After all do they never really control the car anyway. "

No normal person would risk their life, when at the same time they could drive themself. *

Right now these are being treated like cruise control. You need a sober, alert and qualified driver behind the wheel who is responsible for the car, just like you would be while using cruise control.

while humurous, this is kinda true. We will one day get to a society where robots can do everthing. The question then becomes, do they gladly take care of us or do they rise up and ahaahahahahahahhahahahahahhh hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaahhhh hhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaahh hhhhhhhhhhhhaa

Yeah, that test was a failure. But they have done studies since showing that cars with this system (when it is working) statistically get in fewer accidents, and then ones they do get in are catastrophic (because all of the minor ones are averted).

For now that isn't going to be the case. All of the states that are ok'ing this say that it must be treated like cruise control; with a qualified, alert, sober driver behind the wheel to take over in case of emergency.

yeah but these guys are paid to crank out content all day. To be on top of breaking stories and get them to us before the information is widely known. I often see things here before they are widely reported. Putting in an editor to check spelling will slow that down, especially if the editor gets bogged down.

"The occasional spelling error no reasonable is going to "

And if you had gotten polio and ended up crippled you would have no one to blame but your parents.

also, thesea aren't being caused by winds according to the article description. This matter (the plasma) is falling to the sun along consatantly moving magnetic currents, which in this case would like like a tornado or whirlpool. The matter is just falling the flow of magnatism so it is taking on that shape.

your fault for being infected? You could check your DNS settings at any time

I think the real issue is the automated nature of this. In the broader world we have all of these things in place to make sure that the market never falls off a cliff. in the worst event, the government would halt trading and might step in to create a new agency, like they did with the FDIC during the bank runs.

It was the F22 that was having the air problems.

You can't see but she isn't balancing, she is actually sitting on a vertical port.... you get the idea

its more then trace amounts.

Fortunately for them he didn't start shooting. I guess we just have a different caliber of burglar here in the US of A.

Well it would obviuosly go right in the midd.... oh I see what you did there ><

The Arab world is mad at its own failure, not at the displassement of the Palestinians. Israel was declared a state by the UN, the Arabs attacked and lost. Many Palestinians fled from the coming massacre that didn't happen.

Not looking to get into an argument over the whole Israel Palistine thing but to put it simply: there was a war, the arabs (including the Palestinians lost), that is the end of the story. That is how the world works.

Iran has openly stated that it supports Hezbollah, which is an organization that has openly committed acts of terrorism in Israel. You can argue with their motives, and whether their struggle is justified or not, but if Hezbollah gets its hands on a nuke, their past operations indicate that they would use it.