
I've used the Quirky PowerCurl for over a year now and it works great for managing the power brick and both cables for the MacBook Pro. It will wind around nicely without putting stress on the area where the cord connects to the brick. It looks nice and I've had lots of people ask about it. If anyone's interested just

Editors and writers of Lifehacker, please whatever you do keep what seems to be your focus on posting articles with actually helpful content or interesting discussions even if you dont have the 50+ daily bullshit content that your sister site Gizmodo seems to value. Your readers will respect you like I'm sure they

I can't wait for the next article about this conference call where you ask the readers what they think.

There are 2 programs I know of that will show you what is taking up space on your drive. Disk Inventory X is one of them and is free. Then There's Daisy Disk which is on sale at $10 but I much prefer. It's not only prettier but I believe it's better organized and you can preview, delete and compress the files from

I'm also an animator, 3D artist, editor and have been in many environments and no two are exactly alike. It's a mixture of Linux, Windows and Mac machines because at the end of the day it's about if you can get the work done and whatever gives you the flexibility to do that is great. But you know that. No one can put

Cost and value are also measured in things other than dollars. If that''s all you see than your tower works well for you. Meanwhile there will be millions of consumers and professionals who will be appreciating the advances in portable technology and you can try to poke at them from your cave.

Yes and where would we be if engineering wasn't continually trying to shave off a few seconds/inches/lbs here and there? And you're just going to gloss over the fact that you're still comparing desktop parts to portable parts?

The rig Shenta is describing is a mid-tower and he's comparing the specs to a notebook. I know I shouldn't take the troll bait but he's trying really hard.

Some people aren't willing to slip a tower into a backpack when they leave. Or remotely access their PC from a tablet in order to do their work, as some people do more than use a word processor at work. Also, try looking up the price of a 768 GB SSD. Shouldn't really have to point out that you're comparing desktop

I'm almost the same. They've really come a long way with incorporating a lot of the main reasons that made jailbreaking attractive. My only other main one is My3G for using Facetime anywhere, and it also helps with huge downloads from the appstore. And well, maybe one more is themes because I think the icons need a

Hearted you a long time ago, and this is exactly the reason why.

I'd like to see what the consensus is for the best NES emulator for iOS. I've heard and read different things so I'd like to hear what you all think and even why. I promise long answers are ok.

Nicely written, well done.

Very nicely said. I'm actually going to study these so that I can know what to look for as I'm being interviewed. I think it's easy to forget that there's key information to be aware of.

In A New Hope they do tell him to eject though.

I don't understand how you can start the article and say that war today doesn't need humans at all and then immediately follow that with the rebel ground campaign was the majority of the war. Of course the sledgehammer from the sky had a profound effect and helped level the playing field, but they sure as hell needed

Like PR-0927 mentioned, there are dozens of ways to spell the name correctly. Happens to many languages that don't have latin influence.

I love this game, i just wish it had more levels.

Facebook's chat is buggy as hell, and their push notifications for their apps are completely unreliable. And both have been in a sad state for quite some time. They have to really take this seriously. You can't just build it, you need to make it work.

Cricket?! You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand Cricket!