
Geez it seems like here we go again. Mary Tyler Moore Wednesday, Mike Connors yesterday and John Hurt today! Very sad.

You can see from this why the comedy onscreen came across as so effortless. They were all in synch and obviously liked each other. The Yiddish inflected version of Ol' Man River is priceless.

I've never been a fan of the circus but there's a certain romance to it and a sense of continuity I that I hate to see vanish.

For those unfamiliar with Debbie's filmography aside from Singin' in the Rain and Charlotte's Web but are curious I'd recommend seeking out The Catered Affair, Tammy and the Bachelor, This Happy Feeling, The Rat Race, Susan Slept Here, The Pleasure of His Company, Mary, Mary, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, How the West

An immensely talented woman and one tough cookie. If you've read her bios she faced enormous challenges, bad marriages one of which lead to being swindled out of millions and being left millions in debt which she paid off in time, the loss of her home, living out of a car for a period because of the money troubles.

I know this is silly of me when speaking of the admitted sexual predator, fraudster and all around lowlife that some people horrifyingly voted for but shouldn't his focus be totally on the job that he was elected to do? Of course he is completely unqualified and most assuredly unable to do that but since impeachment

There wasn't all the media saturation that's what made the columnists like Louella Parsons & Hedda Hopper as well as the fan magazines so powerful. They were the only game in town plus each studio had its own publicity department who molded the images of the stars, which both made the performers powerful in a way but

What can we expect from this entitled clueless nitwit. It seems every time she opens her GOOP spouting mouth she just gets a little bit stupider and my disdain for her which I thought had hit rock bottom goes ever lower.

As if going to a major chain to see a film wasn't already an unpleasant enough experience with people no longer respecting silence for the people around them plus texting like idiots during the movie, helpful hint-if you don't have 2 hours to watch a movie without being cut off from the world don't go to the

The movie itself is interesting in it's observant style and good work by both Finch and Mason, and quite a small surprising one from a very young Maggie Smith, but Anne Bancroft is unquestionably the reason to see this. I would say it's her career best performance and considering her other work that should give you an

Shocking, she's a classless, entitled shill with no moral compass!! How were we ever supposed to be able to discern that with her orange racist, sexual predator of a father and soulless compassion-free brothers providing us with nearly hourly examples. These people are scum, how do others not see it?!

Well you can't expect much more of a run than 106 years. Sorry for her family's loss but it sounds like she had a good, happy life and managed to leave behind quite a legacy between those films, her daughter and grandchildren.

Who said sexism, homophobia and transphobia are being put in front of racism? They are all important issues that ALL need to be addressed. His an idiot and an ass. He can go away again anytime and stay away this time.

Really good article….but no love for Bonnie Bedelia's performance as Holly? While constrained by her situation somewhat it's still clear that she's not some shrinking violet who can't take care of herself and has no problem standing up to Gruber, McClane or anyone else that necessary.

An interesting take on the series. I'm guessing the reviewer watched these in one full grouping but while I share some of the perceptions I think some of them might change if you have viewed them as they came along.

I don't know about one of the MOST famous women in the world but she was famous as one of the rising young stars and very much one of the IN crowd plus the Polanski connection.

I was very young when this happened but I remember the article and picture of Christine Chubbuck in the paper the day afterwards and how horrified and sad everyone was about it. So in that aspect I'm curious about the film and the sense that it would take me back to that time but knowing the ending and the pain that

In the 1948 movie "The Walls of Jericho" Linda Darnell plays a character with the perfectly ridiculous over the top and fantastic name of Algeria Wedge. It's great in and of itself but since her character is the trouble making social climber of the town who comes between her gullible husband Kirk Douglas, who plays

Both Pass the Peace Pipe and The Varsity Drag in the '47 version are marvels of color coordination and precision timing. I don't really care that the leads are obviously past college age since it being an MGM musical from the Golden Age I have zero expectation of reality, just something escapist made with the highest

One of those great character people that can could come into a film for one scene, nail it and you remember them when the film is over. She was terrific in her scene as Faye in The Wedding Singer going on to Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore about all the couple she just knew would stay together forever-Burt & Loni and