This exactly. Quizno’s corporate business model seems to have been “screw your franchisees as hard as (il)legally possible”.
This exactly. Quizno’s corporate business model seems to have been “screw your franchisees as hard as (il)legally possible”.
I agree 100%. It could have gone either way, and while I might not have called it a red there it was perfectly justified.
Having to pay $3 for something they were going to put in the game anyway but didn’t because CA wants to sell the game to 16 and 17 year olds doesn’t exactly feel like winning to me.
If this is the case then why doesn’t facebook just act as a forex with low fees instead of creating their own bullshit currency?
Apparently, pizza people think it’s shitty
They should have given it a serious and truthful name like “Gabe Worgaftik Is A Joyless Asshole With a Small Prick”
Too bad this game wasn’t in Toronto as we will never know if the crowd cheered louder at Klay’s injury vs. actually winning the championship.
Soup first or noodles first?
Code? That sounds like job killing regulations!
I mean, they probably even deserved it right?
And the Toronto crowd goes wild! Yay injuries!
Just like the 737 MAX right?
Before rates peak? As in several months ago?
And a cornball brother is something different entirely.
You could also do tenderloin medallions.
Throw your loofahs and washcloths in the trash all you need is this
Throw your loofahs and washcloths in the trash all you need is this
My significant other was running late for class one day, and the closest parking ticket machine wasn’t working, so she used a pen to alter the date on an old ticket she had and left it in the window.
and while inflation is low now, that’s certainly not going to be the case over the remainder of Eaton’s mortgage, especially if it’s a 30-year.
“But if they had premade food in warming trays”