Joel Stoner

You can't prove any of your claims so you resort to name calling, typical lefty. I doubt your IQ is over 80. I however can join MENSA anytime.

Yes businesses should be allowed to discriminate. Do you think that a Jewish baker should be forced to make a cake with a swastika on it? Should a gay restaurant owner be forced to serve people that openly talk about hating gays?
I think you have authoritarian confused. Authoritarian wants government in charge of

Illegal is not a race. Not all illegals are Mexican, btw, my best friend is a Mexican-American.
Womens right to choose, wrong it is not her body, the fetus is an entire new being. However i do support abortion.
How have democrats protected the right to birth control? There are numerous methods of birthcontrol from

There once was a strange time, the time before Bruce became Caitlyn, when transgender people used the bathroom they were dressed for, and no one cared. Non Trans people mostly didn't even know there were Trans people in the bathroom with them. Democrats don't care about Trans people, they want to make sure the Trans

Name 1 individual right Democrats have protected? They want to ban hate speech, which is a clear violation of Freedom of speech. I may not like what you say, but i will defend your right to say it. They don't care about lbgtq people, or minorities. They are just votes to them. Hillary was anti lbgtq while Bill was

The funny thing about this is Idiocracy was showing a Democratic future. I mean come on, why would smart people keep electing people that try to take their rights away? Name a city that has been Democrat controlled for more than 5 years, and i will show you a slum. Detroit, Chicago, SC Los Angeles, etc. What do they