Joel Schlosberg

The phrase "simultaneously siphoning away the qualities that made it so adored by fans and cramming it with fan service" also applies word-for-word to the Star Wars prequels.

Changing the cast around actually makes it more fun to go back to the original comics and see the characters that were a bigger deal back then with fresh eyes. Like how one of the main X-Men in the Days of Future Past comic is a big Russian dude who likes to garden while exclaiming "By Lenin".

So is Lea Thompson.

"Balthazar Blake."

She was the best thing about a movie with a talking duck.

No, but there is a role.

But that part wasn't in any of the Frankenstein movies!

All of them do.

nobody's a Mallard Fillmore fan.

There's something just perfect about that particular comment juxtaposed with a Cesar Romero Joker avatar.