Kritical HIt

Guy in a band here, and I think it’s more on the dude to make sure it’s clear that she doesn’t have to come to every show to qualify as a supportive SO. My wife comes to about 1 out of 4 shows and that’s plenty. She’s heard us play it all before, I’m too busy to hang out with her much, it’s loud and takes forever, it

Scott treats Knives like a lame hanger-on, but all she does is support him and go to his rock shows, which, if you’ve dated a musician, you know is the most boring thing a girlfriend could possibly have to do.

I work for a state institution, so my pay and everyone else’s here is public knowledge. We’re hitting a budget crunch (thanks moronic GOP policies!) and people are worried about lay-offs. My salary is peanuts, but if you consolidated some management roles, you could eliminate 3-4 executive positions with some middle

Border/Customs security is called U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). ICE is not at all CBP; ICE exists to terrorize people who are not committing criminal offenses, and because of their actions ICE should be eliminated.

He’s got the damn thing on backwards...

Maybe a meeting with Molyneux could create an ouroboros of lies so unending we won’t hear from either ever again?

I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!

Do people still this movie? I mean, I was in college when it came out, so that probably put me at close to peak levels of cynicism. Maybe that’s why the thing’s never had a grip on me. But for the amount that people still talk about the thing, it’s as though this movie is as formative a moment in your

These all pale, PALE, in comparison to the great Mae West as a bat circa 1934!

It’s because they confuse italics with italians and they hate olive-skin too.

This is gospel, all of it.

Or maybe she really believes the right-wing crazy talk (she’s from Slovenia and most of what she knows of US politics is filtered through her husband!), and she’s ALSO being treated badly. He doesn’t have to literally be holding her prisoner in order for her to do the talk show circuits and spout conspiracy theory.

I’m broke, but if I won the lotto, I think I’d donate a whole pile of money to the Innocence Project.

He’s claiming the teenager had a gun, but I have yet to see a report that suggests there’s any validity to that claim.

(that being said, keeping in mind I suspect he’s full of shit, if Means brandished a gun at him, this is a whole different ball game. However, considering the police are pushing hate crime charges, I

No, fuck Debbie Wasserman Schulz, because if she’d been on top of the voter suppression issues, as head of the DNC in charge of federal level office elections, this election would be very different. This stuff was in the papers, it was a coordinated plan playing a long game, and she was too busy taking payday loan

As much as I hate to think that way, there is wisdom in what you are thinking. The problem is that we’ve been conditioned on both sides to think America is some kind of special exception to the rule. We don’t think the shit that occurs in the 3rd World or in banan republics could occur here, as if we lived in a

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck