
Honestly, I’m surprised Twitter had the guts to ban Milo since they otherwise seem very okay with Nazis. I guess it was just the one time their target was big enough that they couldn’t ignore it and look the other way.

It’s all about plausible deniability, as with any other form of brigading/harassment. They point out channels knowing perfectly well what their followers are going to do. Depending on if they have strikes already, they might even tell their followers not do whatever it is they know their followers are going to do

But if there’s a resolution that lets them bring people back to life, why would it be just some people and not others? Given the level of power the Infinity Gauntlet has to reshape reality, presumably anything that can undo it can just as easily also undo all the other deaths as well.

“You can have the last word now that I’ve had the last word.”

I’m not sure what you’re trying to summarize. Your original comment argues:

I read the thread and really don’t understand what part of it was so difficult for you to follow. The article is very explicit about the initial argument(s) and rebuttal(s).

“For new players, it’s probably easier and more fun to jam the square and triangle [buttons], but when you get used to the game and you’re trying to extend combos or deal more damage, there’s a lot more depth to the game,” Mori told VentureBeat. “This is a new game, and I want new players to come and have fun with a B

But imagine if, say, people put that passion into trying to convince Nintendo that they need a better UI rather than being so upset about something that they’ll rarely ever look at for much longer than a few seconds at a time.

See, you say they’ve been shitty but they regularly put out games in absolutely enormous franchises that are typically pretty well-received. The reaction to Battlefront 2 was in a lot of ways an aberration, and it’s hard to say it wasn’t tied up in the mistakes they made with the first Battlefront (launching with so

The thing with that argument is that it’s exactly why the alt-right chooses stuff like this in the first place. The point is to gaslight and troll so that when Blizzard confiscates a Pepe sign they can say “wow, outrage culture is banning cartoon frogs!”

The limited edition of the Blazblue title that released in November of 2016 is still on sale new for 90$ on Amazon right now.

I like this model and it’s honestly one of the greatest things about F2P that needs to be picked up more.

Come to think of it, I never actually started a campaign game in Total Warhammer because I couldn’t decide which faction to play.

Both games have you going to missions around the solar system. You fly there in a ship in a loading screen. There’s sort of a fallen/overrun humanity narrative.

There used to be some really good discounts in the bundles, like starter frame, a potato, and a slot for real low (back when they were all pretty late in the star chart if you didn’t start with them). It was just out of the range of starter platinum but definitely a great early pick-up if you’re okay with spending a

I don’t think Xbox is all that dumb in and of itself as a console, but it certainly starts to sound dumb when Microsoft starts trying to put it forward as the face of PC gaming on Widows 10. I don’t want an app called Xbox gaming any more than I want a glowing red laptop with a big label that says “Predator” on it.

I really don’t think it’s quite as complicated as people make it out to be. I played maybe twenty minutes of the first one and have put in maybe a couple hours with this one. There are some things that I clearly can’t do yet and there’s at least one menu option I can’t access (maybe for training blades? I know that’s

From what I played of it, it was pretty story driven but set up so after a night of story / drinking in the bar, you go and do a puzzle. Sort of like how the Persona series has you crawling dungeons between classes, only this is a puzzler.

I knew about Catherine’s competitive scene (honestly, I thought it had online play as well, but I only played the game for a little bit when it first came out) but I didn’t know there was a competitive scene for Binding of Isaac. That sounds like it could be a lot of fun, though I’m guessing pretty different from the

I also disliked the shoulder brush, but it was pretty much in line with his smug pose after Leia kisses him to annoy Han at the start of Empire. So, while I don’t think he’s above the shoulder brush, I don’t think it should have happened tonally, like some of the other humor that seemed excessive.