
I liked the new Voltron as well, but it’s honestly the only CG anime I’m okay with. Everything else I’ve attempted to watch has been abandoned before the first episode was even through, including similar Netflix offerings. Most of the time I’d just prefer it to be regular anime, and as a giant robot fan, the turn to

God, if your struggles aren’t just the defining conflict of our age. You know, in fifty years, people are going to be utterly baffled about why this was never discussed or noted while it was happening. Like the Holocaust, people will look back and say “how could we have let this happen?” and “never again.”

To add to this, it’s probably a good deal for them if they’re self-funding because it sounds like they’re getting Matsuno’s designs for free and likely won’t be trying to make a dubious number of very different games with an impossibly small budget.

Oh man, you poor thing. I’m really sad that you’re forced “fend off hordes or clueless kids in the comments” and I’ve been thinking about starting a GoFundMe to get you some remuneration for your troubles. What a truly thankless job that you do. I don’t envy you, that’s for sure.

From the sounds of it on reddit, they’re hit or miss. People are saying they’re mostly targeted at beginners but it’s not clear if that’s newcomers to programming or game dev specifically. Apparently, the quality is also spotty, according to individual reviews on Amazon, and the publisher has a reputation for putting

From the sounds of it on reddit, they’re hit or miss. People are saying they’re mostly targeted at beginners but

Didn’t the company that makes Tasers offer all police stations nationally body cameras for free? My first guess when I heard this was that they were planning on making bank on cloud storage or some other associated services.

There should be a trial in the store. Just be aware that the downloadable version of the game on PS4 sometimes has issues with slow and error-ridden downloads. You can Google if you run into issues, but in my experience, changing the DNS worked the last time I ran into issues.

But doesn’t someone pass her in the background at the end of the video going about as fast as she was or am I bad at judging speed?

That’s a lucky one. In my experience, people just double down on “Spider-Man is Peter Parker and Peter Parker is XYZ” without any engagement with whether or not Glover could do the role well.

You have quite the list of excuses for shooting people. That you have such a list and feel that it explains away racism is exactly why you’re not invited to the memorial.

But surely if you think it’s acceptable to take multiple unused plots on a low-population server, you understand why having multiple plots becomes an issue on a high population server. I 100% agree it’s fine for them to take them when there’s no demand, but when there is actual demand, it’s a bit shitty.

Who imagined Hollywood would have designed the most sensible autonomous truck? That seems seriously perfect in a lot of respects, for being efficient and for taking advantage of being driverless.

And yet, somehow, it all fits into coherent lines of continuity until Breath of the Wild starts drawing from two different storylines that can’t necessarily mutually co-exist. But, no, Nintendo never saw a cohesive whole in the past, despite the series long-term producer explicitly saying:

I started out on Bud Light Lime, moved on to Natty Light and Keystone Light, but settled on PBR for a stretch of time because of its cheapness. After a few months, though, I couldn’t handle it and had to pay a couple cents more for Rolling Rock. That’s been my go-to cheapo for much longer than PBR was.

I think it could go either way. It’s clearly a dig at Trump, but the conext of the sentence actually makes the rest of the world the ones experiencing the absence of (US) leadership: i.e., the US isn’t leading the world in the Paris Agreement. That’s very different from “the US is experiencing an absence of

No, but this time it’s a white male.

No, no, no, even better, a Caucasian macho muscle man with a raspy voice who built/restored the Doomfist robot but isn’t in the game.

Nah, it would be really cool if the new Doomfist were a robot built around the gauntlet by a straight Caucasian male boy-genius who never actually appears in the game.

There’s nothing to suggest that’s second plural rather than singular. If you switched it with the first person, you could switch it to singular or plural without changing the meaning because nothing in that phrasing suggests number.

Something worth keeping in mind is that it’s similar to how Islamophobia and attacking Muslims benefits ISIS.