Joel Ness


So, i truly did lol to myself after reading that. But like you said, this is infantile and therefore has no perspective. So I want to get a pole going. Is this how other people view this? how would you classify this, trolling, reverse pre-hipster-knowing humor, shade, a sort of meme that has outgrown its own

Please take this as someone who is generally aware but not acutely. Why the fuck does seemingly every article have someone mentioning that damn verdict with hulk hogan. I mean, this (meaning jalopnik) has little to do (and little shared readership) with the gawker persuasion. I’ve seen time and time again blokes

I'm impressed

Actually, I'm looking forward to that for better or worse

Geeze, I could only see $10k as a reasonable upper limit for this. That's about it.

That is by far the most elegant and sexy exhaust tip in existence. But how is one supposed to dragon that?

Wow...just wow. All I can give is but one star. Hope you enjoy it because you deserve it.

That was literally the most enjoyable speech I've heard in ages. Thanks for bringing that up.

You, sir, won the internet today.

Hell, I work trader joes and every time this comes on I can hear a coworker from across the store belting it out, whether we are open or not.

Look, he's got little digits just like his daddy!

Dafuq did I just watch

You know, I’ve seen some shit at the store near me. Once I saw a stack of produce fall on the ground outside of chipotle and the workers (probably the guys that drive the truck) put it back on(we’re talking tomatoes which are not enclosed and fall out of the cardboard box they’re in) and workers handling cases of meat

No no no, the solution is to have a motorcycle as a backup. Motorbikes are easy to work on depending on which one you get and if you get one of the more durable types (read: non super sport) you can run that thing forever. It sucks on a rainy day but it'll light a fire under your ass to get that car repaired.

Oh shit son, you took off the head. Did I see this right? You took the head off without hoisting the engine up, or out? I've been told by some that, because of clearance you have to take the engine to get to the heads. This is a project I am looking forward to doing. Same engine and car. I want to take the heads out

I didn't read this, just want to say: I am astounded at how big her mouth is. That is all.

I don’t think I would touch the super bikes of old: fireblades, old gixxers and huyabusas come to mind. But I have ridden BMW’s k1300s and found it a very easy bike to ride. Not savage but definitely fast as balls.

You know, her character is fucking annoying as hell. However, the episode of comedians in cars getting coffee with her was genius.