
Mr. Young, I’m 44. Please please know that the lack of fucks you give in your 30’s will DRASTICALLY reduce in your 40’s. It’s a beautiful thing to behold - you’ll be amazed at how many fewer fucks are given each day into your 40’s.

It’s hard to tell these generic white women apart without seeing the barcode on the back of their neck.

She embodies the whiteness that I’ve grown to loathe living here in Arizona, just minutes from Scottsdale. That said, my buddy did make a valid point, that she reminds him of the girls who have annoyed him his whole life but who he’ll take home only to send them away in a cab the next morning. It’s his cross to

It was a perfect storm of microaggression, a sloppy, wet “fuck you” to hip-hop culture and black men. Kendrick just happened to be a stand-in for Kanye.

I really don’t get why people are so into Taylor Swift. I’m still mad she won album of the year over To Pimp A Butterfly. That’s some “Ordinary-People-over-Raging-Bull-at-the-Oscars” level fuckery. I also find her to be aggressively mediocre.

Insult to Beckery? Priceless. By the way can we all now officially apologize to Kanye? He was right. Name the song that Darth Becky got the award for & win a valuable prize. Her shit is tired, her look is tired & to be honest she’s outlived her Beckiness.

I just wonder what she thought was gonna happen when she released this still.

fireball had it coming...