
Check out Sense8. Not really a take on gtransenders so much as just having sn awesome trans character in it. Good show though.

Maybe "okay" will be our "always".

Dammit Carol/Cheryl!

Seriously. I definitely got teary-eyed at that. My favorite stone-cold lady getting sad about she may be alone for the rest of her life, and Mr Meep-Morp Zork empathizing with her.

They've been my two favorite characters for a while now and this became my absolute favorite episode yet just because of their exchanges in this episode. The camping plot was pretty dumb, but Rosa/Holt made it all worth it.

Rosa and Holt being my two favorite characters in this show, this was my favorite episode yet. Seeing them interact so much and actually get emotional together was sort of awesome. Rosa's so goddamn adorable when she actually shows emotions.

You truly don't fucking pay attention to this show, do you? You didn't know Fusco had a kid? He's been shown or mentioned a dozen or so times on this show.

Box Prince was one of my favorite episodes. Partially just because KITTIES!

Well, since Football is really just part of BMO's personality, and Football is female, it's all relative to the moment, really.