Joel Kim Booster

I thought it was strange that he labeled this as "homophobic" when I think "homoerotic" is definitely much more apt.

I would say there are a lot more differences from person to person, regardless of race, than there are with hamburgers. Listen dude, if you're racist. That's fine. Just own it! We can move on from there.

Well, people aren't hamburgers for starters.

I mean, are you really expecting us to believe that, with this assumption in mind, this woman thinking "well, I've seen enough black people so far, and you know what I think I've had a big enough sampling size to discount an entire race of people" ISN'T racist?

I have seen an innumerable amount of white people throughout the course of my life, and I would never say "I've seen enough to know I'm not attracted to this entire race of people." Sorry brah!

Height is a measurable trait. I'm 5'9. How exactly do you measure "blackness"? Is it something about the way they talk?

How can she know that black guys aren't her type unless she knows definitively what every black guy looks like? It's not a measurable trait. She can convince herself that she "knows" what all black men are like, but yes. This is racism.

It is funny to me that ur friend assumes she knows what all black people look like. lol.

We nicknamed my college roommate Marcel during that season as a joke, and he still goes by Marcel to this day. What a bad story!

"Secret Twins" is this season's "Why is your penis on a dead girl's phone" as far as I'm concerned.

I can't be the first person to have suggested this, but, uh— he should've left off both the cave and the farm! Bye!

"Bad writing" is so laughably subjective in this context, it's essentially meaningless. But you're really trying on this forum, so A+ for effort.

This episode was more progressive than any season of Modern Family. It's laughable anyone would hold up Modern Family as a progressive ideal.

For me knowing that the writer of this episode, David Smithyman, is gay gave me a different read on the episode. If I didn't know that, I might have a similar view as Dan. I understand it's probably an unreasonable to assume every viewer is going to look into that level of context while they're watching, but gay folk

I wonder if some of these commenters know exactly how many sitcoms existed that these AV Club writers will never get to write about.

That body tho. Who knew?

I'm not sure Iris' motives make any sense right now. I'm also not sure why Barry didn't use any reasonable tactics to get her to stop writing her blog as either the Flash or as Barry. The safety concern is pretty legit? Why didn't he mention it? So. Fucking. Strange.

Love these picks, though would have loved to see some shout outs to Season Five. The Lorelei/Luke split was so frustrating and sad and great, and when they reunite? It's just damn good television.

Vampire Diaries is what brought me to the site in the first place. Very sad.

Can someone just point me in the direction of some decent screengrabs? I don't really want to see this entire movie, but I would like to see what Justin Long ends up looking like.