At most publications, layout, editorial, and marketing run in completely different departments and have little to no contact with each other.
At most publications, layout, editorial, and marketing run in completely different departments and have little to no contact with each other.
Is IO9 being shut down altogether, or is the domain just going away?
The United States Constitution does not contain the same duty of care clauses. The constitutions of other nations, many of which are more modern than ours, do contain such clauses.
Space-based power transmission would not require beam coherencies that would be harmful to any living creature passing through the field. That’s like the one problem it *doesn’t* have.
“Why would the Terran Empire build an Enterprise that’s anything like the Prime Universe ship?”
Star Trek answered that one itself, in canon: Because they stole it.
This isn’t what was said at the time. In 2016, the screenwriter said Marvel cast a white woman to avoid a political situation it couldn’t figure out how to fix.
“ now I just can’t deal with how Nintendo prices its systems and games so I’ll never end up getting a Switch.”
Ah yes, the only people overworking are miserable Type A workaholics.
I have a friend who insists he could fight a honey badger bare-handed and win. I insist he can’t.
Your name made me throw up in my mouth a little.
Yes, you did.
The original iPhone SE was 2.31 inches wide. That’s a small phone.
But it sounds a bit like you actually see consent issues when in Snow White, a fairy tale that’s existed since time immemorial!
Hopefully we’ll find out at some point that Crisis didn’t bring that particular plot line along to Earth Prime.
I really liked Black Lightning S1.
You aren’t missing something. Google launches and kills products like crazy. There are entire websites devoted entirely to products Google kills.
I rewatched the whole show backwards recently (meaning, S5, 4, 3, 2, 1). It’s really astonishing how the *entire* ending of Season 2 is about the dangers of interacting with your past selves.
Yet S1 Legends interact with their past selves *like crazy.*
Anything that they can weaponize, they will weaponize. Anything that can be an element of class war, will be. Given how politicized and personal decisions around food are, I can’t imagine meat consumption *not* becoming an immediate lightning rod.
You are, in fact, the first person I’ve ever heard call the Steam client “great.”
The claim that list prices don’t affect patients relies upon the lie that all patients have medical coverage. Every time the list price of a medication goes up, the price uninsured people pay for that medication also goes up. The only exception to this is if the pharmacy decides to hold the price steady itself.