Joel Hruska

Yeah, sure. After 15 billion years, this fucked up, self serving, ignorant species turns out to be the technological pinnacle, peak, apex, apogee, zenith, crux of evolutionary progress in the universe.

So, I decided to look into this. The quote comes from the DOJ’s press release. The full paragraph reads:

How on Earth did we end up with “Pizzly” bear as opposed to “Grolar” bear?

I vote for Grolar Bear and his cousin, Swolar Bear:

Not true, although there is a big correlation between the things.

“People evolved from hunter-gatherer societies to agrarian societies to building cities. And along the way, there were lots of inventions, and none of them were patented. Think of the people who domesticated wolves and turned them into dogs. Or the wheel. Did that need a patent? No.”

“unless you were very rich and white, projecting your status as a member of the middle classes through conspicuous consumption was a necessary precondition of actually being, or at the very least feeling, middle class. Being “middle class” is a performance as much as it’s about numbers in a bank account—the neat, lush

Our pop cultural lives don’t revolve around the theater experience any more. Don’t revolve around movies within the Academy’s paradigm of what defines a movie. We watch at our leisure, in spaces of our choosing. We like the richness of miniseries and episodic entertainment. The streamers are the new king, and the

Yeah, you’re not wrong. 

So, there’s some evidence that this has happened in the past. Multiple simultaneous impacts.

No. Not if everything missed the Earth.

Walking a cat on a leash is not exactly normal, but it’s scarcely unheard of. I walk our cat the same way I’d walk a dog. He’s the second cat I’ve walked this way.

As far as I’m concerned, any woman leveraging a hot tub to increase her viewership count is using her natural assets to make a living and build a fan base, just like anyone else. Twitch and other services get to set their own rules as far as showing skin and behavior, but so long as people stay within the rules,

Gen X is never going to become the dominant power. We’re already hilariously forgotten in social conversation, more often than not. I actually saw an article the other week calling for harmony between “the three generations — Boomers, Zoomers, and Millennials.

21 years.

21 years ago, Eminem wrote a song. Today, we talk about “Stans.”

It does nothing to explore why,

Pretty sure the tech to make the shield died with Howard Stark and the Wakandans are highly unlikely to give away the secret of how to work it.

Sadness is literally lurking in the basement of Westview, just underneath the surface.

if world leaders squandered a prime moment to intervene in reshaping our relationship with fossil fuels last year...

I believe the phrase is “Americans will always do the right thing after trying everything else.” At least if you were looking for the joke / quote.