
This predicted the trolling hot-take era of journalism we're now in better than Network.

Can we commenters rule Otisburg? I imagine our collective buffoonery would suit the place.

It's not. We need more doctors. (Stupid Disqus: rest assured this is the same person you were responding to.)

But the defamatory comments are that these women are liars. In order to prove that they are not liars—and that Cosby knew they weren't liars when his lawyer issues those statements—they would have to show in court that they really were raped.

Bringing this case to trial means that the plaintiffs can present evidence that he raped them, since they have to proof that they were telling the truth about Cosby. This is probably the only way this evidence will get into court, considering statute of limitations issues with the underlying crimes. Should be

Like The Accidental Tourist or On Golden Pond?

Rob Schneider. I think a lot of us are Rob Schneider.

A chilling vision of things to come.

This reminded me of how Ice Cube is a huge architecture nerd. His Eames enthusiasm is shown here:

I felt that way when they gave the TV mini-series award to Carlos a few years ago. That was too much legitimacy for the Golden Globes.

Once he cycles through all his other degrees, he'll be ready to start over again with high school.

I think the estate is also cashing in on this cottage industry, especially any royalties off that stupid one-sentence-per-page reproduction of an otherwise entertaining commencement address. On the other hand, I love DFW, but he went ahead and killed himself, so I'm sure he'd just be happy that his loved ones were

Jessica Harper's picture should be twelve times the size of everyone else's. I like that movie a lot, but I love Harper in it.

"Given its intriguing premise, pulled from the pages of a novel by Portuguese author José Saramago, Enemy could have gone in a number of different directions—black comedy, Hitchcockian suspense, even cloning-gone-wrong horror."

You Nobel-winning hack, Saramago. Make with the cloning-gone-wrong stories or GTFO!

The average people who turn out to be super-competent criminals. Housewives or milquetoast professionals take up illicit activity, make tons of money, get well-known outside their suburbs as kingpins, but then still have to go make small talk with their neighbors… who suspect nothing. It's just a more

They did love their low-stakes, classic '80s sitcom danger.

I feel like Blow Up kind of deal with this 40 years ago.

No one will see this comment, but I just thought of one: Everyone Is Good At Their Jobs. Main characters are never allowed to be lazy, mediocre, or just coasting at their jobs, like most of us in the real world. Even if they're drug addicts or fuck-ups in every other part of their lives, the lawyer- or doctor- or

The Lady Vanishes / Runaway Train over here.

I'm pretty sure that Lynch can make a man's heart explode just by using his mind. He just seems like that kind of guy.