Joel Forsyth

I would guess that the whole thing took him about 128 Hours...

I'm guilty...

Number 2 all the way (pun intended), current tiered data plans are just that: A big steamy pile of "number 2." I, for one, would take an unlimited 3G plan over a tiered or capped 4G plan in an instant. Granted I'm a rural Canadian, but I'm sure a lot of people would agree.

I felt like I was watching a trailer for Resident Evil and Aeon Flux... Then I realized it was reality... I'm going Amish.

Said Hairy. ;)

I'm inclined to agree. I don't hate the current notification system enough to want to start demanding change, but I'm all for improvement. And, like you, I find myself jailbreaking, then pimping my homescreen until it's unrecognizable, and, like you, restore 48 hours later. And these days, when I see a friend on

Sounds AWESOME, but I fear (with text messaging specifically) that there are probably some limitations to SIM cards that prevent one device texting on behalf of another (besides through bluetooth, so the text is still technically coming from the SIM-hosting device.) - But, really, what do I know...that still sounds

I'm inclined to agree. I don't hate the current notification system enough to want to start demanding change, but I'm all for improvement. And, like you, I find myself jailbreaking, then pimping my homescreen until it's unrecognizable, and, like you, restore 48 hours later. And these days, when I see a friend on

Is it wrong that this totally reminds me of Starcraft II's Warp Prisms and Command and Conquer's MCVs...

@32ndnote: Looks more like a poodle with a fabulous up-do to me...

I adore remakes, reboots and reworks of almost anything. Movies and Video Games that are altered to make them more palatable to the mainstream ALWAYS appeal to me. I like Daniel Craig over Pierce Brosnan, Final Fantasy 13 over Final Fantasy 7. I guess I'm unique, but as soon as I hear devout fans of anything start

Yes, but will it blend?

You guys need to be careful with a title like "Portal for iPhone."

@MrGOH: Personally, (read: PERSONALLY!) I think you're exactly right on all fronts here. But I would tread lightly on this topic... Tron Guy and fanboys alike are always listening...

But...But... The box says "Artificially Flavored"...

@komododave: The same is true of Android and the need to root prior to installing "problem-solving" custom firmwares like Cyanogen.

@iwuzbord: And I hear she has an ungodly ability to make iOS notifications pop up on all side of the iPhone screen.

@WickedD365: I had this issue with my 2nd gen iPod Touch. I restored to the newest firmware, problem solved. I encourage you to update to 4.2.1.

@crc1532: My favourite webpages: Gizmodo, and RedmondPie. A 4.2.1 Jailbreak is not "easy" as of yet, nor is it completely "untethered." The names to follow right now are iHackers named p0sixninja and comex. Both are said to have 4.3 untethered jailbreaks on the horizon before the end of February.