
Well how about university of California and University of Texas. Look it up. Same situation there as the ivy leagues.  I'm sure more situations like this will come up

The difference is that she was specifically hired as a dei hire. Was this the best they could find in a dei? Also, this case is not just about incompetence, it’s about greed. She complained, and complained that she wasnt paid enough. She wanted to be paid more than superior court justices with 10 or more years of

Asians are minorities in the general popul6but definitely not at ivy League schools. Man, you're grasping at straws.  It's actually funny that you're this desperate 

I saw it and the problem I have with black central characters is that they always act like gangsters in their portrayal - especially hudson.  They are supposed to be educated so who dont they act as such. Maybe it’s just me but I think it demeaning to black people.  As for the premise, I didn't understand it.  They

Here’s another one, Christina Peterson. She was put in place because of dei but she was not qualified and she created a mess.

You cannot deny that Harvard and the like weren’t biased against Asians considering that they admitted to it. As for syntax. It’s partly caused by autocorr6and partly by gabapentin. I take it because of chronic neuropathic pain and and it causes a fuzzy head . As I write, I think I wrote something but I actually didn’t

I mean, how could you not know if the most famous example of the relatively recent lawsuit against the ivy leagues where it showed the universities were biased against meritorious Asian students in acceptance rates and instead admitted less qualified blacks, Hispanic and other minorities.  Or were you just asking the

Both critical race theory and dei are flawed concepts.  It's not that I don't believe there should be a balance within employment/positions but meritocracy should be the basis and unfortunately this has been set aside to conform to dei.

Big block is correct to a certain extent. Nobody likes waiting 20-30 mins to charge and will influence some people’s decision to buy an EV. more importantly though, the price premium of a EV over a gas equivalent is the true limiting factor to sales even if federal and state rebates are taken into consideration. Based

Google Policeactivity Chicago seatbelt for the full unedited video.  The bad guy shot first, shot a cop and rammed the police car

I didn’t say every police department uses the LA method. Anyways, I’m sure policing in Scotland is different than policing in Chicago which is notorious for it’s violence. The YouTube channel policeactivity posts full unedited police cam videos and I can say it isnt surprising that u.s. cops address their crime

Google "policeactivity chicago seatbelt".  He clearly fired first and shot a cop and rammed the police car.

Probably just me but I hate it when girls have nails like that and they do this finger motion, gesture, punctuating what their saying.  

Where do you get la as being 3 months? This is from their website, “famous LAPD Academy for six months of training.”. And then patrolling with training officer.

I think everyone except you believe klansman moniker is reserved for certain people - not Chinese, dumbass.  And as I said, the stats include ALL races.  Geez.  And as for you assertion that many departments require a marketing car, please send me a link since of course I don't believe you since every comment of yours

If you’re calling this chinese guy a klansman then you’re the moron.  Those stats including all races, dumbass.

Yes they did but the video proves they did nothing wrong.  They followed procedure, the bad guy shot first, he shot a cop, he rammed the cop car, he refused to follow police commands.  So you're still the a hole for being an apologist for criminals.  Wouldn't surprise me if you're part of 5 to 10% of the population

You comment was that cops only have two months of training. Well that obviously not true. Go to la academy website. And Chicago is a 2 year program.  So youre not standing but falling down.

Are you saying the black cops are bad dudes because I specifically said the criminals. And the black would agree with this too.

Google "policeactivity chicago seatbelt". You will see the unedited full, all police cams  which show not only him shooting first but ramming the police car.  Also you will see the police didn't just rush him but told him numerous times to roll down his window