
It really has nothing to do with air suspension. Many cars with air suspension excel ike rivian and Mercedes.  The problem is traction control.  You can see the system stop wheel turning which then causes loss of momentum.  The same problem persists with many new cars in snowy climates.  People get stuck because they

Basically you're proving my argument.  Also, Which basically shows titanium. Is 3 to 10 times harder or more resistant to deformation from a pointed object.  Much like when the phone would be exposed to when being dropped. 

Actually not true. Titanium is quite resistant to deformation in comparison to aluminum which is quite soft.  So, even a small drop which will not crack a screen will dent aluminum but not titanium 

too little housing is a fallacy.  We have too much housing but not enough affordable housing caused by airbnb and moneyed firms buying homes and on cheap and jacking rents.  Stop repeating lies and be more accurate

i sort of agree but more, let them do what they want - they bought it.  the construction alone will bring thousands of jobs. and if they want to control the design and direction of the town, what’s the problem.  they probably want to control it - e.g. no drugs whichis obviously is an issue in the surrounding region. 

The cops didn’t pit maneuver the tractor. It flipped because of high centre of gravity, sharp off camber right turn.

It didn’t roll because of pit maneuver but because of high centre of gravity, and trying to make a sharp off camber turn l

Some people take out the speaker portion of the air tag so that it doesn’t chirp but still provides location tracking

Quesque le fuk.?  What she said wasn't antisemitic.  Its reality.  Both sides are at fault, that's reality.  Geez, give yourself a shake. 

yes in industrialized countries but not in developing ones

filipinos.  i was surprised as well

Everyone should avoid Jackie Chan movies.  He supported China instead of Hong Kong during the height of the protests even though hes hk.  He supported repression just because of money.  Ban him. 

The use has only come into vogue the last 10 to 15 years.  It wasn't that common before that. 

It has only come into vogue in the last 10 to 15 years. Obviously pushed by the extreme left you, ignorant fuck?  If you knew that then you would be saying what you said

Ahh. The political correct creeps are out when I just point out grammar. 

What's wrong with the driver?  Or if you must ze or another term, just don't use a plural for a singular person. 

There is no trolling involved.  It's called grammar. 

What part of plural when referring to singular is not confusing? 

Can please stop using the word they when a singular person is involved.  Use that driver or the driver. It's confusing as hell when you use a plural when a single person was involved. 

This review reads like it was written by an ai