
Do stupid things, get stupid rewards. The guy made motions that he was going to harm. He got what he deserved. No loss to society

I think you’re the wrong sex for this phone review. Samsung needs to market this at young girls. Girls pants have very small pockets or none at all. This phone allows them to pocket it easily and if there are no pockets, they can flap it over their waistband to hold it.

did you know captain america eats babies

But are doing your students any good by saddling them with a useless degree for the money they paid 

I refuse to watch Jackie Chan movies. He supported the CCP over hong Kong. 

He wasnt arrested. He was detained. And this is how policing works. The cuffs prevents a suspect from fighting or fleeing. Should be pretty simple to understand. And dont say it was racist. Black officers follow the same procedure.

Your assertion would be true if not for the fact that the car is a rolling computer.  Even basic gas cars calculate range with their limited computers on board.  Tesla are collecting and analyzing all data as uts being used.  Calculating an estimated range shouldn't be an issue.

The only failing is the child herself.  She's a noxious brat

Are you're sure it was the parents?  Kids these days have no morals

You're a strange animal.  There is obviously cases of terrorists being stopped but for some reason, your position is that we don't need screening and subsequent potential airplane disasters are within the realm of ok

Obviously you didn't look down the list far enough.  You realize it's a global problem, right.  Brussels alone caught 30 in one month. 

There isn't an absence of an issue.  Try googling terrorists stopped at airport.  You will find 100s of cases where terrorists or potential terrorists were arrested at the airport.  

She has fans/followers??? 

That is just one example. I chose it specifically because of the severe impact it had. But there are numerous more incidents including arresting suspected terrorists. I don’t see why I have to tell youthis but just Google terrorists stopped at airport.  

Even if they do, are you saying you rather fly without security checks?  

Point is that they are stopped.  Unlike birth, death and taxes, I don’t expect the intelligence apparatus to be 100% effective.  As for the train system, don't know why terrorists prefer planes but maybe they are trying to bring air transport to a standstill by repeating 911.

There were many times when terrorists were at the airport. This is one example.

Cul de sac, ass of the bag in French

What are you talking about. Of course they can. There's video of them doing this all day long. Why would you like? Or are you just ignorant

Kang is NOT a decendant of reed richards.