
This shouldn't be permitted simply from a crime perspective.  

Why is water a concern when they are surrounded by the white stuff.  Why are they concerned about food when one doesn't die from it for a month at least. 

I wouldn’t call that camper top good looking. Like most camper tops, it definitely looks like an add on withouy any look of integration. Anyways, that’s added cost. The only benefit to the maverick is low base price. Once you start going up trim levels you negate that benefit. And for people who say they can move an

Yeah, the vegetation wouldn’t happen. As a gardener, there are a few things that are needed to grow vegetation including dirt/medium and water.  Neither would happen in a sealed environment like a condo

To each his own. I find it very boring. Not walking dead boring but boring

Yeah that part was silly also

Ask yourself, who released the station video? It wasn’t the cops. It was accessed by llocal abc station from the gas station. So, the video is one static perspective.  You don't know what happened prior to the station so don't go saying the cop lied.  The cops may have previous video they have yet to release which is

Not really.  His analysis is correct

Are you serious?  You know how hard that would be especially with no plates

His death was of his own poor choice.  No need to blame the cop

For all those people here commenting and supporting the kid, cop bad, please be mindful of the following. 1. The station video is a static video that only show one perspective. 2. The kid tore out of station as a soon as he saw the cop. 3. We don’t know what the cop saw before the kid was at the station. He may have

Yes you're right but again, something was different in comparison.  To me it just felt somewhat like a YA novel.

Did you actuly watch the video.  The kid as soon as he saw the cop car, jumped on his bike and tore off full throttle.  That's not how "every other motorcye rider" rides off.   

Actually the cop may have seen him from awhile back... Before the station. Wait for the car footage before saying that the cop lied.  The station camera is only one static perspective 

Simple, a red gas can which one fills at the station. Please stop commenting with silly stuff

He probably saw him from awhile ago.  Otherwise the kid wouldn't have teared out of the station as soon as he saw the cop 

How do find out where he lives

This is whole season is a loss. So much... Feelings. It really makes a mess of star trek. And if you don’t agree with me that’s fine but that’s seems the general consensus based on viewership numbers and ratings. Can we please get back to discovery as in the name of show? The whole zora thing made no sense. Even if

You're right but something was different.  Maybe the tone was more adult, serious.  Maybe they weren't all whiny brats except joffery and Sansa which I both hated with a passion. The YA s in wot were more whiny and maybe that's why I thinkbof this show as YA.  Also, the older friend of the YAs, can't remember her

It was... Ok.  But the problem I had with it was that it felt like a YA novel.  Maybe because of the age of the characters and I haven't read the books so I don't know if that was supposed to be the case.  Either way, their presence made the show somewhat juvenile and not like game of thrones more serious tone