
But, that’s EXACTLY what this is. It’s just wrapped up in a shiny package with all the bells and whistles of luxury trucks. Ford’s first EV will likely look like the Raptor (Especially if the Hummer is successful)

Ey yo I think you answered your own query there. 

I dunno. I still think whatever gets someone to buy an EV vehicle rather than a gas-powered one is good.

Someone on Jalopnik mentioned it, but I think it needs to be said again.

Usable beds were sacrificed long ago for bigger back seats and higher belt lines. The modern truck bed is a short box that only exists to provide bulk and can’t be reached without deploying a hidden staircase.

I say this as a dyed-in-the-wool environmentalist: at some point, we need to get people who don’t give a shit about the environment to also buy EVs. We need to get everyone (or at least most people) driving vehicles that aren’t powered by fossil fuels if we are to have a hope of preserving at least some of the Earth’s

Yeah, this one is.

The sails didn’t cut down on the Avalanche usability unless you were hauling something very awkward shaped. They were flush with the inside of the bed wall and didn’t take up bed space.

You are aware of “AWS” aren’t you? In case you’re not, that’s the cloud datacenter platform that almost all of the major web services out there today are hosted on that aren’t already on Microsoft’s Azure or another smaller competitor. Amazon DOMINATES the virtual environment in the cloud as a service platform.


I don’t get nostalgic about much, but I do miss the days when the proudly, defiantly ignorant were ignored and written off as the morons they are...

I’d probably move in if I could afford the taxes because some of those houses would sell for well over a million if you put them on the market after two years (to avoid capital gains tax). But overall, yeah, don’t need all that maintenance. 

Just from the scattered details in related news stories (and based on my experience as a real estate paralegal) it is my non-attorney opinion that a couple things happened. First, I think she had a loan modification prior to the makeover. That would explain this statement: State and banking officials were able to

The rate can be variable, but this sounds more like a reverse/balloon mortgage. They have been curtailed since 2008 (although I don’t know if Trump et al have hacked away at this) but are still marketed at senior citizens. 

This situation sounds like in order to pay for some of the makeover or other expense, the woman possibly took out a loan against the home, which had now increased in value due to the makeover, and the loan was packaged along with the outstanding mortgage into a new mortgage....or something similar. But it doesn’t

Funding science?

That’s about $85 each (all of NASA costs about $0.01 of every tax dollar a year).

Say what you will about seemingly insignificant measures for tackling climate change, but the Obama administration recommendation that folks keep car tires at design pressure got dogpilled by those not interesting in taking climate change action. Then again, social media apps were still in early days back around 2009

Well seem the free market model is doing it’s thing again, tanking demand means no sales, means time to bail on the production.

He’s successful in that he’s believable to a large enough number of people; of which got us into this mess. He was able to charm millions of people through his charisma even if his words are best described as verbal diarrhea.