
This map is rather hopeful, no? Doesn’t it show how humans have been unbelievably successful in beating back or defeating the vast majority of deadly infections diseases? 100 years ago infectious diseases made up something like half of the top ten leading causes of death. Smallpox alone killed hundreds of millions in

You’re (presumably) not a lawyer, neither am I, the opinions of you and I matter for precisely dick here.

Ehhh... it’s a bit more complicated than you make it out to be. 

I’m not actually surprised at all now that I know his past failures. There is a reason why none of the big publishers didn’t pick up his game back when he was pitching it back in 2012. He competently ran the dev for Freelancer into the ground before MS bought out his company and gave him the boot and another game was

As an OG backer with a SC shirt and metal identification card....I don’t even care anymore.  I just consider the money gone and hope someday S42 shows up.  I came out ok by selling an OG package for a profit 7 years ago and just went with a basic package.  It’s also 1 of 2 games I ever KS backed and both experiences

Don’t forget Duke Nukem Infinity.

You’re right development didn’t start at the Kickstarter. Development clearly started BEFORE the Kickstarter as they already had a prototype to show off.

It’s a genre that inspires a ton of passion, and Roberts basically defined it.

I don’t think you understand how development cycles work. Earlier ideas and builds are vital to what a game ultimately becomes; it’s not like they scrapped everything and came up with a brand new idea in 2014. They still built off of what they’d developed before, whether tangibly or intangibly. Lots of games go

Duke Nukem Forever is a fair comparison because the only way Star Citizen will see the light of day is if the company goes bankrupt and gets sold off to another developer. Christ Roberts’ “Best Damn Space Game Ever” is never coming out.

Yeah, at this point it was a fun oddity for me to mess around with for a while. If it comes together as a real game at some point, awesome, if not, oh well.

I do really feel bad for the people who spent thousands of dollars on ships, but I mean, I also think that was kind of a dumb move so.

To be fair, they have released alphas of the multiplayer bits.

If you can’t get it done with 300 million, you can’t get it done. I was really excited about this game... back in my thirties.

If you don’t count the kickstarter that kickstarted the development as development time then.....what the hell counts as development? They had already built a prototype and were starting on development of the game. The fact that they continued to bloat their game during the development time doesn’t mean that it

Freelancer is my favorite space sim, and I am thankful to the team at Digital Anvil and MS that made the game happen without their insane overlord. Personally, I still find it to do things no game ever has since- like perfecting space combat, turrets, and a great travel system.
I’m sad I’ll never get a sequel. 

Chris Roberts leads development on a space sim that promises to be everything you’ve ever wanted, then goes way over-budget, gets delayed year after year, and in the meantime, they put out a dogfighting component to allay the anxiety of fans.

Did they just... roadmap their roadmap?

Is think that it’s already safe to say that this is almost the current Duke Nukem Forever. I say “almost” because there is a remote chance that this game sees the light of day and a thin chance that it’s not a complete dumpster fire.

Thats not how Energy policy in the UK works, negative subsidies don’t go via the Treasury and so can’t go into other funding lines.

You mean NIMBYism isn’t just a bad American trait?