

Oh, for the sake of biblical knowledge.

His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant was the cop continuing to knee him down over a prolonged period of time preventing him from breathing, even after George clearly indicated as such, and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.

You haven’t heard of a glory hole? How is this possible? Or am I just...well, I am, but I feel like glory holes are pretty prevalent.

would you like every comment ever made to be prefaced by, “to the best of knowledge in humanities recorded history and known archaeological facts to date...” or can we just assume this and continue our lives.
Apologies if you aspergers, and if you don’t know if you’ve got aspergers, I say in earnest and with no quip

*We learned that the greatest mass extinction on the planet MAY HAVE happened because the planet MAY HAVE BEEN going through a POSSIBLE natural cycle where the ozone takes a vacation and lets the sun blast the whole planet. Natural. Cycle. That means it MAY happen again.

I think you need to relax because chapter 11 can also entail dropping expenses (like maintaining a fleet) and trying to bring in additional revenue (like selling parts of that fleet). 

These types always want specific examples so they can (theoretically) knock them out one by one. I had someone argue with me like that and he required me to have an annotated bibliography for my side but he wouldn’t come up with anything at all to support his side. He just wanted to shoot down my examples. He said

“I don’t want to take the whole interview to run through them.”

You know what, teens forcing government officials to pay attention to security and encryption should be given a fucking medal.

You’re missing the number of people that die undiagnosed or misdiagnosed because their local hospital didn’t have access to an effective test kit.

You’re right – it would bring the actual mortality rate down – but it would make the infected number go up.

Agreed, when trying to be pinned down to specific cited examples, their arguments tend to deflate. Plus, they are either really ignorant about the messages some of their feeds post, or they are being deliberately vague when pressed as to why their sources got banned (*they damned well know why, but are self-aware

That’s preposterous—some of my best servants are black!”

“How can I be racist? We had slaves!”

Teacher here. This stuff boils my blood. If you’re a racist teacher you’re undoubtedly going to bring that into the classroom. You can’t keep the walls separate in a job like teaching: if you hire shitty people, you get shitty teachers. This Super is pretending that wall between personal and professional for teachers

In my eyes, a good manual is better than even the best automatic in pretty much all applications. Go back a few years when autos were four-speed slushboxes, and that goes doubly.

But of course, that’s just a personal preference. I find my 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee, for example, to be 1,000x more fun to drive than an

That’s what I keep telling myself too. Except comfy chairs and donuts.

But.... You also have to be motivated enough to work out in your house instead of staying in bed longer.