
Its tax credits, not actual cash payments. FC just got a free pass to use all their infrastructure for free.

Years ago I watched a TV show about some nuclear apocalypse, where only certain people survived inside certain cars, and there were weird looking giant spiders and then the show never came back and I forgot the name. So I guess I’ll never see that again either!

It takes a certain special kind if asshole to stop by a forum discussion of a show that one doesn’t like just to say that they do not like the show.

Thanks for the update. The uncertainty was killing us.

No I WILL NOT————- and you can’t MAKE ME!!

How the hell else are you supposed to design it at this point? It has tiny bezels, curved edges (the same as its phones), and is a rectangle screen. 

Thats pretty impressive.

Yes, in Quebec it’s 100% hydro power.

That’s something I should have written in the article: I made sure to reset the trip meter each time I’d take off. My actual mileage was pretty much consistent with what the computer would predict.

That was not pleasant to watch at all. I just know that kid is going to start cutting open real animals to find out “What’s Inside.”

What is wrong with these people!? Who names their kid Lincoln?