
I actually can't find any reference to this story, internet craziness or otherwise. I remember it was a credible source - I want to say Wired or Time Magazine - but I just can't find it. It's bugging me. It was an interesting story, with the tower just a part of a larger article. I'll keep looking now and then.

This reminds me of something I heard about cell towers. A town was getting sick, and they blamed the nearby tower. Studies showed one thing and another thing, and after much hassle, they finally got the cell company to take it off line.

...I'm not so sure he'll be safe with his family...

First: Oh yeah, you're right. All I can tell you about CA plates is that they're 1AAA111 (that's the format).

DANGIT! I can almost extract license plate #'s! 6??E590. Somebody with good programming skills want to go through those license plate databases and see if they can find the playes that match up to that Toyota?

OMG, having him hold the diffuser would have been BRILLIANT! This is actually what animal trainers do when they can't get an animal to stop misbehaving, it's called "incompatible behavior". They do this with dolphins. You can't punish a dolphin for ruining an act, but you can train it to press a button for fish so

Gizmodo: One of the few tech blogs that encourages drunk/high posts.

I'd love to know, what do you do for people like this? There was one point when I was trying to take group shots on a 5-minute per group schedule, and I picked up my camera and I could see eyes flicking to another shooter. I told him 6 (count 'em, 6!) times to go over with the other guests. The first three he moved

I'm very careful to describe myself as a "self-taught amateur" because I do know quite a bit about the tech and people seem to think I'm better than the average DSLR-toting guy. But at the same time, I have no formal training, and only know about the artistic and composition side from reading sketchy internet blogs

You know that's not how a railgun works, right? It's all currents, no electromagnets.

You know conservation of momentum kills this, right?

The two last frames are out of order...

Good lord, all I can think about are the dust bunnies. I'd hate to be a janitor there.

These are two of my pet peeves: misinterpreting scientists (I'm a physicist), and not being careful with important details.

"The changes made are limited to running the original photo through an 8-bit filter."

Woohoo, top 5! It looks way better blown up full-size, you should check out Flickr: []

Nonononono... Fermilab never claimed to see a new particle, they just claimed to see an anomaly in their data that looked like it could be a new particle. We physicists only ever claim to see new particles when statistics indicate it exists at the 5-standard deviation level. (This was at 3.2.) This is how science

What actually went through their heads: "Oh crap, I have to stop using Twitter, I've sent photos of my stuff to people too!"

I just have a problem saying it'd be Fukushima again. I'm not convinced that the fault lines could cause a tidal wave of that scale due to their geographic location, or that the plant would even face similar circumstances due to its design. It's similar to how Fukushima isn't another Chernobyl. They're both

Right. That's what I meant when I said "Fukushima had problems with the earthquake, yes, and it caused core damage."